Legacy William Hosking
children s drama, summer 2005, part of hosking s egyptian entranceway @ abney park in background; today visitor centre park. in latter days, university professorship , scholarly disposition, flourishing reputation author, authority on bridge design, small distinguished portfolio of church , cemetery design, , appointments professional expert official inquiries town planning improvements , building standards, hosking 1 of referees office of metropolitan buildings overlooking thames in central london @ 6 adelphi terrace, charing cross. nonetheless, had never quite achieved set out accomplish before died @ 23 woburn square on 2 august 1861. whilst left rich legacy of scholarly reports , books, making valuable contribution nineteenth century planning , architecture, had taken high moral view of public life , crossing of swords , rebuffs have left complex legacy biographers unravel. sir william tite noted hosking wisely refused recognise modern distinction between professions of architect ...