A Series of Lithographic Drawings on the London and Birmingham Railway, 1838 John Cooke Bourne

original watercolour of railway construction @ tring, 1837

lithograph coloured hand, 1838

bourne s 1838 publications series of lithographic drawings on london , birmingham railway, showed construction of railway london birmingham in year 1837–38. work bourne had translated original watercolours lithographs. accompanied text, entitled topographical , descriptive accounts of origin, progress, , general execution of great national work, written john britton. britton known in days publication architectural antiquities of great britain , had appeared in multiple volumes since 1807. britton (1838; p. 14) wrote bourne s work:

it represent, not of striking scenery upon line, peculiar manual , mechanical operations connected execution of principal works. amongst them process of tunnelling, formation of embankments , cuttings, gear , machinery used in sinking shafts, , subterraneous works of stationary engine-house @ camden town, @ once remarkable , interesting.

about origin of work britton in 1849 autobiography recalled, beautiful drawings of railway made in year 1838, mr. john c. bourne, studies nature. submitted mr. britton, suggested expediency of being published. great cuttings, embankments, , tunnels, on london , birmingham railway, were, @ time referred to, matters of great novelty , absorbing interest inhabitants of metropolis; , appeared therefore beauty of mr. bourne s drawings, , popularity of subject, ensure success in publication.

britton (1849) further stated used techniques: on considering best mode of multiplying drawings, of tinted lithography adopted, best calculated preserve spirit , character of originals, without reducing them in size. although mr. bourne had not made drawings on stone, eminently successful in first efforts; , whole of series (thirty-seven in number) executed himself. prints published in 4 periodical parts, @ 1 guinea each (super-royal folio). on completion of work, general historical , descriptive account of railway, occupying twenty-six closely-printed pages, written mr. britton.


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