Fulmars, petrels, and shearwaters List of birds of Connecticut

sooty shearwater

order: procellariiformes   family: procellariidae

the procellariids main group of medium-sized true petrels , characterized united nostrils medium septum , long outer functional primary. 7 species have been recorded in connecticut.

northern fulmar, fulmarus glacialis (r)
black-capped petrel, pterodroma hasitata (r)
cory s shearwater, calonectris diomedea (r)
great shearwater, ardenna gravis (r)
sooty shearwater, ardenna griseus (r) (s)
manx shearwater, puffinus puffinus (r)
audubon s shearwater, puffinus lherminieri (r) (s)


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