Ice Age List of Ice Age characters

1 ice age

1.1 roshan
1.2 soto

1.2.1 zeke
1.2.2 oscar
1.2.3 lenny

1.3 runar
1.4 nadia
1.5 dodo birds

1.5.1 dab

1.6 carl , frank
1.7 jennifer , rachel
1.8 sylvia

ice age

roshan, or pinky , baby manny, sid, , diego returned father.

roshan young son of human tribe chief. while sleeping 1 morning, tribe attacked pack of smilodons. leader of pack, soto, wants kill roshan revenge roshan s father runar killing half pack , using skin clothes , flesh food. mother, nadia, able fend off diego, mission retrieve him. however, cornered on waterfall and, in desperate attempt save son, leaps on waterfall, holding roshan tightly in arms. both found manny , sid @ riverside. using little strength has left, gives roshan manny , sid in hopes safe them.

roshan s primary care-provider sid, member of group has concern him, manny being disillusioned care , diego secretly planning kill him. manny, scarred previous experience humans, reluctant have baby, bonds him. @ end of movie, roshan reunited tribe. runar particularly happy learn baby has learned walk during time manny, sid, , diego.


soto violent , sadistic leader of pack of saber-toothed cats. wants eat roshan in vengeance murders of several of pack-mates.

as part of plan kidnap roshan, soto plans attack on human camp while , 3 other pack members attack humans, diego sneak in, unnoticed, , abduct roshan. diego fails @ task, leaving soto furious, telling diego bring roshan half-peak meet others , threatens have him served replacement if fails. soto dispatched fellow pack members zeke , oscar warn diego hurry , bring roshan or not return @ all, though reciprocated news alongside roshan, soto receive mammoth.

soto made pack half peak , informed diego while had doubts, pleased diego had made it. happen unbeknownst soto, diego in league both manny , sid, , sid lure soto , pack-mates away both manny , roshan decoy made of snow.

soto fought viciously in altercation in made attempt kill manny, stopped now-reformed diego, whom severely maimed. out of anger, manny throws soto wall of ice, knocking loose row of icicles, sharp ice formations falling, , end killing soto offscreen.


zeke member of pack of saber-toothed cats shown in first film.

he led soto, out seek roshan , kill him. zeke dark-gray , looked rough, acting part of suck up. revealed in deleted scene he, other members of pack, wanted follow walking buffet south, soto not hear of it. zeke accompanied oscar tell diego hurry , bring roshan or not come back. made along rest of pack half peak, tried kill sid , roshan, outwitted sid stomped him tiny crevice hindquarters sticking out. unknown happened him afterwards.


oscar member of pack of saber-toothed cats in first film.

oscar shown doubting diego s abilities because messed once in bringing roshan soto. in deleted scene seen telling packmates of disapproval of soto s plans stay , hunt humans instead of following migrating herds traveling south. oscar went along zeke find diego , warn him hurry , bring roshan. oscar made rest of pack half peak attempted kill manny defeated along others. last seen running away after , lenny see soto killed manny, leaving him , lenny s fates unknown.


lenny member of pack of saber-toothed cats in first film.

lenny, along rest of pack, attacked human encampment fended off humans dogs fought alongside humans against pack sending them off. 1 of pack members diego expected steal baby roshan humans missed chance when roshan s mother nadia escaped child through waterfall. bitter @ diego s failure pack leader soto orders diego retrieve roshan , bring him half peak others waiting. soto later informed other pack members zeke , oscar diego bring roshan along wooly mammoth called manny has been caring roshan along sid sloth.

lenny met diego along other members of pack @ half peak zeke reminisced joys of mammoth flesh lenny s displeasure (saying lines in film, hey, knock off. m starving! , told knock off! ). demanded zeke stop talking food , tries strike him stopped soto tells him save energy mammoths don t go down easily. soto plans ambush on manny caught surprise , ordered pack not attack until saw manny diego secretly turned on pack after had been shown real friendship , appreciation manny , sid tempted zeke leap action , attack. surprise given away, pack pursue sid slides down snowy slope on piece of bark after lenny , oscar had been chasing sid hit large log manny threw @ them. once recovered saw soto had been killed when tried attack manny , diego had thwarted soto s attacks. manny throws soto wall of ice , number of icicles fall down , kill him. seeing death of leader, lenny , oscar run off. unknown happened them afterwards.

unlike rest of pack, saber-toothed cats, lenny scimitar-toothed cat stated in book ice age: essential guide.


runar chieftain of human tribe shown in first film.

runar leader tribe of neanderthals (referred in film humans). father of roshan , husband of nadia, , cared family, while leading them , rest of tribe nomadic group travel place place. in 1 encampment tribe set up, half pack of saber-toothed tigers killed , furs taken coats , clothing. in vengeance, leader saber-tooth named soto decided plan attack on runar s tribe take son roshan , kill him in vengeance saber-teeth slain in battle runar s tribe. attack worked, runar s tribe had dire wolves detected soto s pack coming , alerted human tribe battle saber-teeth, soto fighting directly runar. in melee, baby roshan taken mother saber-toothed tiger named diego, , hunters warded off saber-teeth. runar tried wife , son stopped soto , oscar. after fight, finds out son , wife had disappeared.

runar had no choice left begin travel camp far off, tracking dangerous saber-teeth on way , finding clues son s whereabouts. in time, runar made near settlement , re-united son, not before meeting face-to-face manny , sid, 2 animals returned child. runar on guard manny @ first, appeared violent while tribe rush in attack manny , sid. upon seeing roshen, came see meant no harm, return child , stopped tribe attacking them.

runar thanked manny giving him charm bracelet had once been roshan s, , after letting son goodbye manny , sid, runar left scene tribe , son in tow.


nadia wife of chief of neanderthal tribe shown in first film.

nadia had husband, runar, , baby son, roshan. , family lived peaceful life tribe until day when pack of saber-toothed tigers invaded camp abduct youngest member, roshan in revenge tribe killing half of pack. nadia fended off attack on roshan long enough run away diego pursuing her. nadia ran roshan in arms until reached high waterfall , cornered. jumped, holding on tightly son while; ended on riverbank below, meeting manny , sid, 2 animals passing by. last of strength, nadia nudged roshan these animals in hopes entrusted son. seconds after act, slipped riverbank, disappearing. fate remains unknown, although heavily implied may have drowned.

the dodo birds

these birds portrayed greedy watermelons claiming private stockpile ice age. these dodos hate extinct. trying watermelon sid, diego , manny try ask for baby s hunger, of these dodos accidentally fall tossed melon. 4 of these fall pit burn death 1 warns few, melon incinerated. rest defeated sid protects last melon them getting through them.


dab head dodo shown in first film.

the dodos collecting stockpile winter, , 1 of them stole melon manny had spotted roshan. when manny, sid , diego went dodos melon back, found dodos on parade. dodos stockpile far consisted of 3 melons, including stolen melon. after manny pointed out, dodos fought stop manny, diego , sid getting @ melons. in fight, first melon fell on cliff , several dodos, including flock s last female , jumped on in suicidal attempt retrieve it. second melon bounced boiling tar pit, along 3 more unfortunate dodos trying stop falling in. sid managed last melon, , remaining dodos fell off cliff, parody why extinct today. in ice age: meltdown, dodo gets fried while attempting cross geyser fields.

carl , frank

carl , frank 2 male brontops. carl had thick lips , thick horn, while frank had more pointed lips , thinner horn. referred sid overgrown weasel.

the 2 appeared @ beginning of film when sid sloth shown stepping on salad , eating important part of it, dandelion. 2 animals chased after him in hopes of killing him, stopped forcefully manny mammoth, being hurled through air. d held powerful grudge against sid d done , when next saw him, in same hot mud pool in , erroneously referring them ladies. again, carl , frank stampeded after hapless sloth, waylaid when saw had been killed saber-toothed cat named diego (which part of sid s plan them fooled leaving him alone , not trying kill him off) , gave chase post-haste stating carnivores have fun.

jennifer , rachel

jennifer , rachel 2 ground sloths first film.

the 2 shown being sweet-talked sid impress them while had baby roshan in tow. jennifer admitted found of sid s qualities attractive, , when sid left, 2 spoke each other on how, despite lack of looks, family-type.

these 2 female sloths (in deleted scene film) shown scorning sid when shown using baby mate them, though rachel more straightforward kicked him directly in groin while calling him pig .

jennifer thickset dark-blue sloth short curly hair , medium-sized nose. rachel considerably thinner , had light tan fur , blonde ponytail directly @ top of head , smaller nose.


sylvia female ground sloth cut first film, can found in deleted scenes of 2-disc dvd release film-to-book adaptation.

sylvia wanted sid travel her, seeking commitment. sid, not wanting of this, put in path of running glyptodonts send off. sylvia found him again, , still adamant go migrating him. sid tricked thinking getting turnips migration, , ran off escape, followed him jaws of diego, saber-toothed cat. did not believe sid dead, , sullenly told diego eat him . presumed after that, left sid alone. sylvia had red-colored fur, green eyes , small nose.

according dvd commentaries, sylvia cut because scriptwriters felt sid s behavior towards made him unlikable, , scenes detracted film s main plot. additionally, first movie had different ending planned out. sid , manny headed south without diego (due death, changed) , met other animals. sid had matured after witnessing diego s death, , upon seeing sylvia third time, nicer her, asking mate.

sylvia cut movie late. of scenes animated , rendered, , seen in first few trailers of movie initial posters.


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