Philosophy Idea

1 philosophy

1.1 plato
1.2 rené descartes
1.3 john locke
1.4 david hume
1.5 immanuel kant
1.6 rudolf steiner
1.7 wilhelm wundt
1.8 charles sanders peirce
1.9 g. f. stout , j. m. baldwin


plato in ancient greece 1 of earliest philosophers provide detailed discussion of ideas , of thinking process (it must noted in plato s greek word idea carries rather different sense our modern english term). plato argued in dialogues such fadeo, symposium, republic, , timaeus there realm of ideas or forms (eidei), exist independently of may have thoughts of these ideas, , ideas distinguish mere opinion knowledge, unlike material things transient , liable contrary properties, ideas unchanging , nothing are. consequently, plato seems assert forcefully material things can objects of opinion; real knowledge can had of unchanging ideas. furthermore, ideas plato appear serve universals; consider following passage republic:

both assert there are, said, , distinguish in speech, many fair things, many things, , on each kind of thing.

yes, do.

, assert there fair itself, itself, , on things set down many. now, again, refer them 1 idea of each though idea one; , address is.

s so.

and, moreover, former seen, not intellected, while ideas intellected not seen.

rené descartes

descartes wrote of meaning of idea image or representation, not in mind , known in vernacular. despite descartes credited invention of non-platonic use of term, @ first followed vernacular use. in meditations on first philosophy says, of thoughts images of things, , these alone name idea belongs. maintained ideas innate , uses of term idea diverge original primary scholastic use. provides multiple non-equivalent definitions of term, uses refer many 6 distinct kinds of entities, , divides ideas inconsistently various genetic categories. him knowledge took form of ideas , philosophical investigation deep consideration of these entities.

john locke

in striking contrast plato s use of idea of john locke. in introduction essay concerning human understanding, locke defines idea term which, think, serves best stand whatsoever object of understanding when man thinks, have used express whatever meant phantasm, notion, species, or whatever mind can employed in thinking; , not avoid using it. said regarded book necessary examine our own abilities , see objects our understandings were, or not, fitted deal with. in philosophy other outstanding figures followed in footsteps—hume , kant in 18th century, arthur schopenhauer in 19th century, , bertrand russell, ludwig wittgenstein, , karl popper in 20th century. locke believed in sense—not pushing things extremes , on taking account plain facts of matter. considered common-sense ideas good-tempered, moderate, , down-to-earth.

as john locke studied humans in work “an essay concerning human understanding” continually referenced descartes ideas asked fundamental question: “when concerned have no knowledge, rules or standards should guide how confident allow ourselves our opinions right?” simpler way of putting how humans know ideas, , different types of ideas. idea locke “can mean sort of brute experience.” shows there “no innate principles in mind.” thus, concludes “our ideas experiential in nature.” experience can either sensation or reflection: “consider whether there innate ideas in mind before brought in impression sensation or reflection.” therefore, idea experience in human mind apprehended something.

in lockean view, there 2 types of ideas: complex , simple. simple ideas building blocks more complex ideas, , “while mind wholly passive in reception of simple ideas, active in building of complex ideas…” complex ideas, therefore, can either modes, substances, or relations. modes when ideas combined in order convey new information. instance, david banach gives example of beauty mode. says combination of color , form. substances, however, different. substances objects, can either dogs, cats, or tables. , relations represent relationship between 2 or more ideas. in way, locke did in fact answer own questions ideas , humans.

david hume

hume differs locke limiting idea more or less vague mental reconstructions of perceptions, perceptual process being described impression. hume shared locke basic empiricist premise life experiences (whether own or others ) humans knowledge of existence of outside of can derived, shall carry on doing prompted emotional drives of varying kinds. in choosing means ends, shall follow accustomed associations of ideas. hume has contended , defended notion reason alone merely slave of passions .

immanuel kant

modern book printing walk of ideas

immanuel kant defines idea opposed concept. regulative ideas ideals 1 must tend towards, definition may not realized. liberty, according kant, idea. autonomy of rational , universal subject opposed determinism of empirical subject. kant felt precisely in knowing limits philosophy exists. business of philosophy thought not give rules, analyze private judgements of common sense.

rudolf steiner

whereas kant declares limits knowledge ( can never know thing in ), in epistemological work, rudolf steiner sees ideas objects of experience mind apprehends, eye apprehends light. in goethean science (1883), declares, thinking ... no more , no less organ of perception eye or ear. eye perceives colors , ear sounds, thinking perceives ideas. holds premise upon goethe made natural-scientific observations.

wilhelm wundt

wundt widens term kant s usage include conscious representation of object or process of external world. in doing, includes not ideas of memory , imagination, perceptual processes, whereas other psychologists confine term first 2 groups. 1 of wundt s main concerns investigate conscious processes in own context experiment , introspection. regarded both of these exact methods, interrelated in experimentation created optimal conditions introspection. experimental method failed, turned other objectively valuable aids, products of cultural communal life lead 1 infer particular mental motives. outstanding among these speech, myth, , social custom. wundt designed basic mental activity apperception—a unifying function should understood activity of will. many aspects of empirical physiological psychology used today. 1 principles of mutually enhanced contrasts , of assimilation , dissimilation (i.e. in color , form perception , advocacy of objective methods of expression , of recording results, in language. principle of heterogony of ends—that multiply motivated acts lead unintended side effects in turn become motives new actions.

charles sanders peirce

c. s. peirce published first full statement of pragmatism in important works how make our ideas clear (1878) , fixation of belief (1877). in how make our ideas clear proposed clear idea (in study uses concept , idea synonymic) defined one, when apprehended such recognized wherever met, , no other mistaken it. if fails of clearness, said obscure. argued understand idea should ask ourselves difference application make our evaluation of proposed solution problem @ hand. pragmatism (a term appropriated use in context), defended, method ascertaining meaning of terms (as theory of meaning). originality of ideas in rejection of accepted view , understanding of knowledge scientists 250 years, i.e. that, pointed, knowledge impersonal fact. peirce contended acquire knowledge participants, not spectators. felt real which, sooner or later, information acquired through ideas , knowledge application of logical reasoning result in. published many papers on logic in relation ideas.

g. f. stout , j. m. baldwin

g. f. stout , j. m. baldwin, in dictionary of philosophy , psychology, define idea as, reproduction more or less adequate image, of object not present senses. point out idea , perception various authorities contrasted in various ways. difference in degree of intensity , comparative absence of bodily movement on part of subject , comparative dependence on mental activity , suggested psychologists characteristic of idea compared perception.

it should observed idea, in narrower , accepted sense of mental reproduction, composite. is, in example given above of idea of chair, great many objects, differing materially in detail, call single idea. when man, example, has obtained idea of chairs in general comparison can chair, stool , has known abstract idea distinct reproduction in mind of particular chair (see abstraction). furthermore, complex idea may not have corresponding physical object, though particular constituent elements may severally reproductions of actual perceptions. idea of centaur complex mental picture composed of ideas of man , horse, of mermaid of woman , fish.


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