Electrorefining Copper extraction

apparatus electrolytic refining of copper

the copper refined electrolysis. anodes cast processed blister copper placed aqueous solution of 3–4% copper sulfate , 10–16% sulfuric acid. cathodes thin rolled sheets of highly pure copper or, more commonly these days, reusable stainless steel starting sheets (as in isakidd process). potential of 0.2–0.4 volts required process commence. @ anode, copper , less noble metals dissolve. more noble metals such silver, gold, selenium, , tellurium settle bottom of cell anode slime, forms salable byproduct. copper(ii) ions migrate through electrolyte cathode. @ cathode, copper metal plates out, less noble constituents such arsenic , zinc remain in solution unless higher voltage used. reactions are:

at anode: cu(s) → cu(aq) + 2e

at cathode: cu(aq) + 2e → cu(s)


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