C Glossary of bird terms
listen loons on xeno-canto call specific types: alarm; contact; duet; antiphonal duetting; food begging; flight; mobbing. type of bird vocalization tending serve such functions giving alarm or keeping members of flock in contact—as opposed bird s song, longer , more complex , associated courtship , mating. individual birds may sensitive enough identify each other through calls. many birds nest in colonies can locate chicks using calls. alarm calls used sound alarm other individuals. food-begging calls made baby birds beg food, such wah of infant blue jays. mobbing calls signal other individuals in mobbing species while harassing predator. differ alarm calls, alert other species members allow escape predators. example, great tit, european songbird, uses such signal call on nearby birds harass perched bird of prey, such owl. call occurs in 4.5khz range, , carries on long distances. however, when such prey species in flight, employ alarm signal in 7–8 khz range. call less effective ...