Excavations Claros

the maze-like adyton beneath temple of apollo has been preserved well.

very few changes occurred in sanctuary between 6th , end of 4th century. @ time new layout of sacred area conceived, monuments on larger scale; probably, plans put execution after terrible events of beginning of 3rd century bc. later in 3rd century construction began on new altar , new temple of apollo. had dark crypt-like adyton oracle delivered prophecies. today preserved , narrow, dark , vaulted labyrinthine corridors remain.

above ground, remains can seen of base , fragments of colossal sculptures of seated apollo lyre, accompanied leto , artemis, facing east. group, fragments partially reassembled @ site, seems have measured more 7 meters in height. in sanctuary, rows of names of countless grateful ancient visitors may still seen, votive , memorial inscriptions on columns, on steps , walls , on curving marble bench: in entirety inscription of clarus form largest assembly of surviving greek inscriptions. elegant marble chair in sanctuary has serpent arms, reminder of chthonic nature of genuine oracles among hellenes.

after beginning of roman province of asia (end of 2nd century bc), prominent citizens of colophon helped increase authority of sanctuary, importance of religious competitions , fame of oracle. celebrate major sacrifices before crowds consisting of greeks , non-greeks, 4 rows of iron rings attached heavy blocks allowed hundred victims killed simultaneously. claros sanctuary in greek world offers clear picture of way priests perform hecatomb.


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