Birth of Santos Foot-ball Clube .281912.29 History of Santos FC (1912–1935)
mário ferraz de campos advertisement in diário de santos, referring creation of new football club in brazil.
football introduced brazil scottish expatriate named thomas donohue, first football match played in brazil in april 1894, played on pitch marked out donohue next workplace in bangu. in 1870s, many other british workers, scottish expatriate named john miller, worked on railway construction project in são paulo other european immigrants. in 1884, miller sent 10-year-old son charles william miller bannister school in southampton, england educated. charles skilled athlete picked game of football @ time when football league still being formed, , accomplished winger , striker charles held school honours gained him entry southampton football club team, , later county team of hampshire. on return brazil, charles brought 2 footballs , set of hampshire fa rules in suitcase. taught rules of game players in são paulo.
sports. new football club. several sportsmen of city committed organize powerful football club, having bought vast , splendid land owned mr. j.d. martins, andrade aguiar street in macuco, playing field installed new sport club. club organizing committee composed following 3 hard-working gentlemen: mario ferraz de campos, raymundo marques , argemiro de souza júnior. committee, carrying out arduously-required task, relying on our great commerce acquisition of associates, having achieved enlist more 200 people. next sunday, @ 2 pm, there meeting @ concordia club, basis of new club shall presented, elect boardmembers , make other decisions purposes of new sport club. sensible lack, among us, of club dedicated beautiful sport of football. believe new club fill gap.
the first santos fc emblem, 1912
henrique porchat de assis introduced football city of santos @ instituto presbiteriano mackenzie. although water sports such rowing practiced activity city s youth, introduction of football porchat de assis became top event in santos. santos growing in wealth, port growing 1 of largest in world coffee, major product in times, being exported product. combined plans city of form statewide competition, socialites of santos created 2 football clubs represent them: clube atlético internacional , sport club americano. first football match in santos played on november 1, 1902 porchat de assis 1 of spectators.
however, atlético internacional dissolved in 1910 due growing debts , extremely poor results included not scoring single goal during 1908 season. serra mar, 1,500 km long system of mountain ranges , escarpments in southeastern brazil, separating são paulo , santos 76 km, americano found participating in paulista tournament long , expensive journey. prompted club members move club city of são paulo. left santos no representatives left, many santistas, particularly city students, being left dissatisfied @ turn of events. meeting create football team advertised take place @ headquarters of concordia club (located in rosario street no. 18, @ top of old bakery , switzerland confectionery, avenida joão pessoa) meeting, lasted 14 hours, spearheaded 3 sportsmen city: raymundo marques francisco, mário ferraz de campos , argemiro de souza junior. during meeting, there doubt name should given club. several suggestions emerged: África futebol clube, associação esportiva brasil, concórdia futebol clube, among others. participants hailed unanimously @ proposal of edmundo jorge de araujo: santos foot-ball club. thus, club formally born @ 2:00 pm on april 14, 1912, 12 hours , 20 minutes before titanic sink atlantic ocean. club s first president sizino patuska (who had participated in founding of atlético internacional , founder of americano). first field santos campo da ana costa, atlético internacional s former playing field.
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