C Glossary of bird terms
listen loons on xeno-canto
specific types: alarm; contact; duet; antiphonal duetting; food begging; flight; mobbing. type of bird vocalization tending serve such functions giving alarm or keeping members of flock in contact—as opposed bird s song, longer , more complex , associated courtship , mating. individual birds may sensitive enough identify each other through calls. many birds nest in colonies can locate chicks using calls. alarm calls used sound alarm other individuals. food-begging calls made baby birds beg food, such wah of infant blue jays. mobbing calls signal other individuals in mobbing species while harassing predator. differ alarm calls, alert other species members allow escape predators. example, great tit, european songbird, uses such signal call on nearby birds harass perched bird of prey, such owl. call occurs in 4.5khz range, , carries on long distances. however, when such prey species in flight, employ alarm signal in 7–8 khz range. call less effective @ traveling great distances, more difficult both owls , hawks hear (and detect direction call came). contact calls used birds purpose of letting others of species know location. relatedly, flight calls vocalizations made birds while flying, serve keep flocks together. these calls used when birds want alert others taking flight. many birds engage in duet calls—a call made 2 birds @ or @ same time. in cases, duets timed appear 1 call. kind of calling termed antiphonal duetting. such duetting noted in wide range of families including quails, bushshrikes, babblers such scimitar babblers , owls , parrots.
black herons canopy feeding.
canopy feeding
some herons, such black heron, adopt unusual position while hunting prey. head held down in hunting position, sweep wings forward meet in front of head, thereby forming umbrella shaped canopy. primaries , secondaries touch water, nape feathers erected , tail drooped, thereby ensuring canopy totally enclosed. bird may take several strides in position. 1 theory function of behaviour reduces glare water surface, allowing bird more locate , catch prey. alternatively, shade provided canopy may attract fish making capture easier. herons adopt similar behaviour called double-wing feeding in wings swept forward create area of shade, though canopy not formed.
carpal bar
a patch seen on upperwing of birds appears long stripe or line. created contrast between greater coverts , other wing feathers.
the collective terms of several fleshy protuberances on heads , throats of gallinaceous birds, i.e. combs, wattles, ear lobes , nodules. can present on head, neck, throat, cheeks or around eyes of birds. may present combs or crests , other structures near beak, or, hanging throat or neck. caruncles may featherless, or, have small scattered feathers. in species, may form pendulous structures of erectile tissue, such snood of domestic turkey. while caruncles ornamental elements used males attract females breeding, has been proposed these organs associated genes encode resistance disease, , birds living in tropical regions, caruncles play role in thermoregulation making blood cool faster when flowing through them.
a pair of knobbed hornbills prominent casques on display
a horny ridge found on upper mandible of bird s bill, used in relation hornbills , cassowaries, though other birds may have casques such common moorhens, tufted puffins , (male) friarbirds. ridge line on upper maxilla may extend prominent crest on front of face , on head, such in flamboyant crest of rhinoceros hornbill. hornbill casques contain hollow space may act resonance chamber, amplifying calls. similar function has been proposed cassowary casques, protection of head while dense vegetation traversed, sexual ornament , use shovel digging food. compare: frontal shield.
from latin cera meaning wax , waxy structure covers base of bills of birds species handful of families—including raptors, owls, skuas, parrots, turkeys , curassows. cere structure typically contains nares, except in owls, nares distal cere. although feathered in parrots, cere typically bare , brightly coloured. in raptors, cere sexual signal indicates quality of bird; orangeness of montague s harrier s cere, example, correlates body mass , physical condition. colour or appearance of cere can used distinguish between males , females in species. example, male great curassow has yellow cere, female (and young males) lack, , male budgerigar s cere blue, while female s pinkish or brown.
also malar / malar region. area of sides of bird s head, behind , below eyes.
a small feathered area located below base of bill s lower mandible.
a multi-purpose opening terminating @ vent @ posterior of bird: birds expel waste it; birds mate joining cloaca (a cloacal kiss ); , females lay eggs it. birds not have urinary bladder or external urethral opening , (with exception of ostrich) uric acid excreted cloaca, along faeces, semisolid waste. additionally, in few bird species in males possess penis (palaeognathae [with exception of kiwis], anseriformes [with exception of screamers] , in rudimentary forms in galliformes) hidden within proctodeum compartment within cloaca, inside vent.
cloacal kiss
most male birds lack phallus , instead have erectile genital papilla @ terminus of vas deferens. when male , female birds copulate, each evert , press together, or kiss respective proctodeum (the lip of cloaca). upon clocal kiss, male s sperm spurts female s urodoeum (a compartment inside cloaca), make way oviduct.
all of eggs produced birds @ single time in nest. clutch size differs between species, within same genus. may differ intraspecies due many factors including habitat, health, nutrition, predation pressures , time of year. average clutch size ranges 1 (as in northern gannet) 17 (as in grey partridge).
a rooster large red comb
also cockscomb (coxcomb , other sp. variants). fleshy growth or crest on top of head of gallinaceous birds, such turkeys, pheasants , domestic chickens. alternative name, cockscomb (or coxcomb) reflects combs larger on males on females (a male gallinaceous bird called cock). comb shape varies considerably depending on breed or species of bird. comb refers chickens in common shape single comb of rooster breeds such leghorn. other common comb types rose comb of, e.g., eponymous rosecomb; pea comb of, e.g., brahma , araucana; , others.
also defined herewith: seabird colony; breeding colony; communal roost; heronries; rookery. large congregation of individuals of 1 or more species of bird nest or roost in proximity @ particular location. many kinds of birds known congregate in groups of varying size; congregation of nesting birds called breeding colony. group of birds congregating rest called communal roost. approximately 13% of bird species nest colonially. nesting colonies common among seabirds on cliffs , islands. 95% of seabirds colonial, leading usage, seabird colony, called rookery. many species of terns nest in colonies on ground. herons, egrets, storks , other large waterfowl nest communally in called heronries. colony nesting may evolutionary response shortage of safe nesting sites , abundance or unpredictable food sources far away nest sites.
colour morph
see morph.
depending on usage, may refer junction of upper , lower mandibles, or alternately, full-length apposition of closed mandibles, corners of mouth tip of beak.
contact call
a type of call used birds used purpose of letting others of species know location.
corpuscles of herbst
nerve-endings similar pacinian corpuscle, found in mucous membrane of tongue, in pits on beak , in other parts of bodies of birds. differ pacinian corpuscles in being smaller , more elongated, in having thinner , more closely placed capsules , in axis-cylinder in central clear space encircled continuous row of nuclei.
also, covert feathers; tectrices – singular: tectrix. layer of non-flight feathers overlaying , protecting quills of flight feathers. @ least 1 layer of covert feathers appear both above , beneath flight feathers of wings above , below rectrices of tail. these feathers may vary in size. example, upper tail tectrices of peacocks—the male peafowl—rather rectrices, constitute elaborate , colourful train . there number of types , subtypes of covert feathers—primary, secondary, greater, lesser, marginal, median, etc.—see broadly wing coverts , tail coverts.
a white cockatoo, called umbrella cockatoo shape of crest
crest feather
collectively, the/a crest. long crest feathers called quill feathers. defined herewith: recumbent crests , recursive crests. type of semiplume feather long rachis barbs on either side, presents prominent tuft on crown , (or through) neck , upper back. birds crests include victoria crowned pigeons, northern lapwings, macaroni penguins , others, recognizable cockatoos , cockatiels, can raise or lower crests @ , use them communicate fellow members of species, or form of defence frighten away other species approach closely, making bird appear larger when crest , unexpectedly raised. in species position of crest threat signal can used predict behaviour. in steller s jays, example, raised crest indicates likelihood of attack, , lowered crest indicates likelihood of retreat. crests can recumbent or recursive, depending on species. recumbent crest, such in white cockatoos, has feathers straight , lie down flat on head until fanned out. recursive crest, such in sulphur-crested cockatoos , major mitchell s cockatoos, noticeable when feathers not fanned out because curve upward @ tips when lying flat, , when standing up, bend forward toward front of head. birds, galahs , rose-breasted cockatoos, have modified crests have both recumbent , recursive features.
a grey catbird, distinctly coloured crissum on display
the feathered area between vent , tail. also, collective name undertail coverts. crissal thrasher derives name term, having distinctive colouring in region, in contrast balance of plumage. other birds having distinctive crissum colouration include le conte s thrashers , grey catbirds.
an expanded, muscular pouch near gullet or throat found in not birds. part of digestive tract, enlarged part of esophagus, used storage of food prior digestion. other organisms have crop, birds use temporarily store food. in adult doves , pigeons, crop can produce crop milk feed newly-hatched birds.
a greater flamingo chick being fed crop milk
crop milk
a secretion lining of crop of parent birds regurgitated young birds. found among pigeons , doves referred pigeon milk. analog crop milk secreted esophagus of flamingos , penguins. crop milk bears little physical resemblance mammalian milk, former being semi-solid substance pale yellow cottage cheese. extremely high in protein , fat, containing higher levels cow or human milk , has been shown contain antioxidants , immune-enhancing factors.
also defined herewith: occiput / hindhead. portion of bird s head found between forehead—demarcated imaginary line drawn anterior corners of eyes—and through remainder of upper part of head , superciliary line. occiput or hindhead, posterior part of crown.
cryptic plumage
also defined herewith: phaneric plumage. plumage of bird camouflaging. example, white winter plumage of ptarmigans cryptic serves conceal in snowy environments. opposite, advertising plumage, termed phaneric , such male birds in colourful nuptial plumage sexual display, making them stand out high degree.
the dorsal ridge of upper mandible. likened ornithologist elliott coues ridge line of roof, highest middle lengthwise line of bill , runs point upper mandible emerges forehead s feathers tip. bill s length along culmen 1 of regular measurements made during bird ringing , particularly useful in feeding studies. shape or colour of culmen can identification of birds in field. example, culmen of parrot crossbill decurved, while of similar red crossbill more moderately curved.
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