Generation portfolio Pacific Gas and Electric Company
1 generation portfolio
1.1 hydroelectric
1.2 nuclear
1.3 fossil fuels
1.4 solar
generation portfolio
pg&e s utility-owned generation portfolio consists of extensive hydroelectric system, 1 operating nuclear power plant, 1 operating natural gas-fired power plant, , gas-fired plant under construction. 2 other plants owned company have been permanently removed commercial operation: humboldt bay unit 3 (nuclear) , hunters point (fossil).
pg&e largest private owner of hydroelectric facilities in united states including 174 dams. according company s form 10-k filing 2011, utility’s hydroelectric system consists of 110 generating units @ 68 powerhouses, including helms pumped storage facility, total generating capacity of 3,896 mw ... system includes 99 reservoirs, 56 diversions, 174 dams, 172 miles of canals, 43 miles of flumes, 130 miles of tunnels, 54 miles of pipe (penstocks, siphons , low head pipes), , 5 miles of natural waterways.
the single largest component helms pumped storage plant, located @ 37°02′13.78″n 118°57′53.63″w / 37.0371611°n 118.9648972°w / 37.0371611; -118.9648972 (helms pumped storage plant) near sawmill flat in fresno county, california. helms consists of 3 units, each rated @ 404 mw, total output of 1,212 mw. facility operates between courtright , wishon reservoirs, alternately draining water courtright produce electricity when demand high, , pumping courtright wishon when demand low. haas powerhouse situated more 1,000 feet (300 m) inside solid granite mountain.
the diablo canyon power plant, located in avila beach, california, operating nuclear asset owned pg&e. maximum output of power plant 2,240 mwe, provided 2 equally sized units. designed , licensed, expanded 4 units, @ least doubling generating capacity. on two-week period in 1981, 1,900 activists arrested @ diablo canyon power plant. largest arrest in history of u.s. anti-nuclear movement.
the company operated humboldt bay power plant, unit 3 in eureka, california. oldest commercial nuclear plant in california , maximum output 65 mwe. plant operated 13 years, until 1976 when shut down seismic retrofitting. new regulations enacted after 3 mile island accident, however, rendered plant unprofitable , never restarted. unit 3 in decommissioning phase , scheduled dismantled in 2015. spent nuclear fuel stored @ independent spent fuel storage installation (isfsi) on plant site because of united states department of energy s failure find suitable alternative storing or disposing of spent fuel.
pacific gas & electric planned build first commercially viable nuclear power plant in united states @ bodega bay, fishing village fifty miles north of san francisco. proposal controversial , conflict local citizens began in 1958. in 1963, there large demonstration @ site of proposed bodega bay nuclear power plant. conflict ended in 1964, forced abandonment of plans power plant.
fossil fuels
built in 1956, there 2 conventional fossil fuel (natural gas/fuel oil) units @ humboldt bay power plant produce 105 mwe of combined output. these units, along 2 15 mwe mobile emergency power plants (mepps), retired in summer of 2010. humboldt bay generating station, built on same site, set take older power plant s place in summer of 2010. producing 163 mwe using natural gas fuel , fuel oil backup on wärtsilä diesel engines. employ technology produce 80 percent fewer ozone precursors , 30 percent less co2 previous facility. new design reduce water use eliminating need once-through cooling.
as part of settlement mirant services llc alleged market manipulations during 2001 california energy crisis, pg&e took ownership of partially constructed natural gas unit in antioch, california. 530 mw unit, known gateway generating station, completed pg&e , placed operation in 2009.
on may 15, 2006, after long , bitter political battle, pg&e shut down 48-year-old hunters point power plant in san francisco. @ time of closure, maximum output of plant 170 mw. residents of impoverished neighborhood had been pushing more decade close plant, claiming contributed above average rates of asthma , other ailments.
pg&e broke ground in 2008 on 660 mw natural gas power plant located in colusa county. began operation in december 2010, , serves half million residences using latest technology , environmental design. plant use dry cooling technology dramatically reduce water usage, , cleaner-burning turbines reduce co2 emissions 35 percent relative older plants.
on april 1, 2008, pg&e announced contracts buy 3 new solar power plants in mojave desert. output of 500 mw , options 400 mw, 3 installations generate enough electricity power more 375,000 residences.
in april 2009, pg&e s next100 blog reported pg&e asking california public utilities commission approve project company solaren deliver 200 megawatts of power california space. method of obtaining electricity sun eliminates (mostly) darkness of night experienced solar sites on surface of earth. according pg&e spokesman jonathan marshall, energy purchase costs expected similar other renewable energy contracts.
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