History Pornography in Japan
1 history
1.1 before 20th century
1.2 in 20th century
1.2.1 1980s
1.2.2 1990s
1.3 21st century
before 20th century
shunga or pornographic wood-block pictures printed imaginable situations. near end of edo period when foreigners became known , seen, sex acts foreign males drawn , sold, not mention acts animals, demons (both male (incubus) , female (succubus)). actual uses of shunga in period still debated, resembled modern uses of pornographic materials, including masturbation , shared viewing lover.
after meiji restoration in second half of 19th century, publication of pornographic materials declined under government pressure.
in 20th century
in late taishō period , shōwa period, artistic movement called eroguronansensu, literally erotic-grotesque-nonsense , occurred influenced decadence works of europe. open sexual expressions permitted in novels , manga strict control applied on photographs , films. after world war ii, law against obscenity , article 175, official censorship law remained in force.
influenced magazines playboy, pornographic magazines printed after world war ii. while playboy s articles american lifestyle; women non-asian, interviews people largely unknown in japan, , fashion , sport american, thereby spawned fetish , genre known yōmono (literally western things ).
in 1960s, several movie studios began producing pink films . censorship laws prohibiting genitals being seen otherwise free express anything, these movies diversified fill genres, including rape , bondage. throughout 1960s, pink films produced low-budget, independent filmmakers such kōji wakamatsu. in 1971, major studio nikkatsu entered pink film genre.
starting in 1971, homosexually-oriented magazines began appear, including barazoku. homosexual magazines tend tailored particular segments of population, such badi, features younger adult males, samson, devoted chubby men, , g-men, featuring muscular men.
the proliferation of pornographic videos in 1980s commonly called a/v (short adult video) sold more videos because japanese families had @ least 2 television sets , vcrs. rumored, not supported, vhs became popular on betamax format because large numbers of a/v released in vhs format. few a/vs sold in laserdisc format. playing games on personal computers no limitation on content except censorship laws viewed being synonymous playing bishōjo games, because few japanese people saw reason play video games on these platforms, opposed video game consoles.
in late 1980s, dōjinshi market expanded. estimated half of market consists of pornography. copyright problems plague market, yet dōjinshi market common place 1 start before making debut in professional magazine. yaoi began in dōjinshi market.
according john carr, united kingdom government adviser on internet safety policy children, two-thirds of pedophilic images on internet in late 1990s may have originated in japan. further commented, think child pornography, in form, promotes values , sends message ok sexually abuse children. helps pedophiles justify ideas or behavior , desensitizes society whole. since law against child pornography in 1999, proportion believed less 2%. ecpat believes many child pornography producers have turned producing anime or films featuring adults dressed children.
21st century
women in japan reporting being tricked modelling contracts , being coerced performing in pornography. there have been calls greater regulation of industry.
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