A Glossary of bird terms
a form of social grooming among birds, in 1 bird preens or pair mutually. @ times may used redirect or sublimate aggression, such 1 bird assuming solicitation posture indicate non-aggression , invite allopreening aggressive individual. alternate plumage also, nuptial plumage; breeding plumage. plumage of birds during courtship or breeding season. results prealternate moult many birds undergo prior season. alternate plumage commonly brighter basic plumage, purposes of sexual display, may cryptic, hide incubating birds might vulnerable on nest. altricial also defined herewith: semi-altricial; altricial-precocial spectrum. young that, @ hatching, have eyes closed; naked or sparsely covered in down feathers (psilopaedic); not able regulate body temperature (ectothermic); , unable walk or leave nest extended period of time join parents in foraging activities (nidicolous), whom rely on food. contrasting state precocial young, born more or less eyes open, covered in down, homeothermic, able l...