Types of sexual behaviour Animal sexual behaviour

1 types of sexual behaviour

1.1 reproductive sexual behaviour

1.1.1 copulation
1.1.2 cuckoldry
1.1.3 hermaphroditism
1.1.4 sexual cannibalism
1.1.5 sexual coercion
1.1.6 parthenogenesis
1.1.7 unisexuality
1.1.8 others

1.2 non-reproductive sexual behaviour

1.2.1 seahorse
1.2.2 bonobo
1.2.3 dolphin
1.2.4 hyena

types of sexual behaviour
reproductive sexual behaviour

copulation union of male , female sex organs, innate sexual activity organized transmit male sperm body of female.

in non-primate mammals (for example, rodents, canines, felines, bovines, , equines), anatomy of reproductive organs , circuits of nervous system organized heterosexual copulation.


small male bluegill sunfishes cuckold large males adopting sneaker strategies.

alternate male strategies allow small males engage in cuckoldry can develop in species such fish spawning dominated large , aggressive males. cuckoldry variant of polyandry, , can occur sneak spawners. sneak spawner male rushes in join spawning rush of spawning pair. spawning rush occurs when fish makes burst of speed, on near vertical incline, releasing gametes @ apex, followed rapid return lake or sea floor or fish aggregation. sneaking males not take part in courtship. in salmon , trout, example, jack males common. these small silvery males migrate upstream along standard, large, hook-nosed males , spawn sneaking redds release sperm simultaneously mated pair. behaviour evolutionarily stable strategy reproduction, because favoured natural selection standard strategy of large males.


female groupers change sex male if no male available.

hermaphroditism occurs when given individual in species possesses both male , female reproductive organs, or can alternate between possessing first one, , other. hermaphroditism common in invertebrates rare in vertebrates. can contrasted gonochorism, each individual in species either male or female, , remains way throughout lives. fish gonochorists, hermaphroditism known occur in 14 families of teleost fishes.

usually hermaphrodites sequential, meaning can switch sex, female male (protogyny). can happen if dominant male removed group of females. largest female in harem can switch sex on few days , replace dominant male. found amongst coral reef fishes such groupers, parrotfishes , wrasses. less common male switch female (protandry). example, wrasses protogynous hermaphrodites within haremic mating system. hermaphroditism allows complex mating systems. wrasses exhibit 3 different mating systems: polygynous, lek-like, , promiscuous mating systems.

sexual cannibalism

araneus diadematus – cannibalistic mating behaviour

sexual cannibalism behaviour in female animal kills , consumes male before, during, or after copulation. sexual cannibalism confers fitness advantages both male , female. sexual cannibalism common among insects, arachnids , amphipods. there evidence of sexual cannibalism in gastropods , copepods.

sexual coercion

during mating, male muscovy duck typically immobilises female.

sex in forceful or apparently coercive context has been documented in variety of species. in herbivorous herd species, or species males , females different in size, male dominates sexually force , size.

some species of birds have been observed combining sexual intercourse apparent violent assault; these include ducks, , geese. female white-fronted bee-eaters subjected forced copulations. when females emerge nest burrows, males force them ground , mate them. such forced copulations made preferentially on females laying , may therefore lay eggs fertilized male.

in acilius genus of water beetles, evolutionary arms race between 2 sexes means there no courtship system these beetles. mating behaviours include males holding females underwater till exhausted, , allowing occasional access surface breathe 6 hours (to prevent them breeding other males), , females have variety of body shapings (to prevent males gaining grip).

it has been reported young male elephants in south africa sexually coerced , killed rhinoceroses. interpretation of elephants behaviour disputed 1 of original study s authors, said there nothing sexual these attacks .


parthenogenesis form of asexual reproduction in growth , development of embryos occur without fertilisation. technically, parthenogenesis not behaviour, however, sexual behaviours may involved.

whip-tailed lizard females have ability reproduce through parthenogenesis , such males rare , sexual breeding non-standard. females engage in pseudocopulation stimulate ovulation, behaviour following hormonal cycles; during low levels of oestrogen, these (female) lizards engage in masculine sexual roles. animals high oestrogen levels assume feminine sexual roles. lizards perform courtship ritual have greater fecundity kept in isolation due increase in hormones triggered sexual behaviours. so, though asexual whiptail lizards populations lack males, sexual stimuli still increase reproductive success. evolutionary standpoint these females passing full genetic code of offspring rather 50% of genes passed in sexual reproduction.

it rare find true parthenogenesis in fishes, females produce female offspring no input males. all-female species include texas silverside, menidia clarkhubbsi complex of mexican mollies.

parthenogenesis has been recorded in 70 vertebrate species including hammerhead sharks, blacktip sharks, amphibians , crayfish.


unisexuality occurs when species all-male or all-female. unisexuality occurs in fish species, , can take complex forms. squalius alburnoides, minnow found in several river basins in portugal , spain, appears all-male species. existence of species illustrates potential complexity of mating systems in fish. species originated hybrid between 2 species, , diploid, not hermaphroditic. can have triploid , tetraploid forms, including all-female forms reproduce through hybridogenesis.


a dog mates coyote produce dog-coyote hybrid.

interbreeding: hybrid offspring can result mating of 2 organisms of distinct closely related parent species, although resulting offspring not fertile. according alfred kinsey, genetic studies on wild animal populations have shown large number of inter-species hybrids.
prostitution: there reports animals engage in prostitution. small number of pair-bonded females within group of penguins took nesting material (stones) after copulating non-partner male. researcher stated watching opportunistically, can t give exact figure of how common is. has been reported bartering of meat sex ... forms part of social fabric of troop of wild chimps living in tai national park in cote d ivoire.
pavlovian conditioning: sexualisation of objects or locations recognised in animal breeding world. example, male animals may become sexually aroused upon visiting location have been allowed have sex before, or upon seeing stimulus associated sexual activity such artificial vagina. sexual preferences cues can artificially induced in rats pairing scents or objects sexual experiences. primary motivation of behaviour pavlovian conditioning, , association due conditioned response (or association) formed distinctive reward .
viewing images: study using 4 adult male rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta) showed male rhesus macaques give highly valued item, juice, see images of faces or perineum of high-status females. encouraging captive pandas mate problematic. showing young male pandas panda pornography credited recent population boom among pandas in captivity in china. 1 researcher attributed success sounds on recordings.
copulatory wounding , traumatic insemination: injury partner’s genital tract during mating occurs in @ least 40 taxa, ranging fruit flies humans. however, goes unnoticed due cryptic nature , because of internal wounds not visible outside.

non-reproductive sexual behaviour

there range of behaviours animals perform appear sexually motivated can not result in reproduction. these include:

masturbation: species, both male , female, masturbate, both when partners available , otherwise.
oral sex: several species engage in both autofellatio , oral sex. has been documented in brown bears, tibetan macaques, wolves, goats, primates, hyenas, bats, cape ground squirrels , sheep. in greater short-nosed fruit bat, copulation males dorsoventral , females lick shaft or base of male s penis, not glans has penetrated vagina. while females this, penis not withdrawn , research has shown positive relationship between length of time penis licked , duration of copulation. post copulation genital grooming has been observed.
homosexuality: same-sex sexual behaviour occurs in range of species, in social species, particularly in marine birds , mammals, monkeys, , great apes. of 1999, scientific literature contained reports of homosexual behaviour in @ least 471 wild species. organisers of against nature? exhibit stated homosexuality has been observed among 1,500 species, , in 500 of documented.

a male black , white tegu mounts female has been dead 2 days , attempts mate.

genital-genital rubbing: sexual activity in 1 animal rubs or genitals against genitals of animal. stated bonobo s typical sexual pattern, undocumented in other primate .
inter-species mating: animals opportunistically mate individuals of species.
sex involving juveniles: male stoats (mustela erminea) mate infant females of species. natural part of reproductive biology – have delayed gestation period, these females give birth following year when grown. juvenile male chimpanzees have been recorded mounting , copulating immature chimps. infants in bonobo societies involved in sexual behaviour.
necrophilia: describes when animal engages in sexual act dead animal. has been observed in mammals, birds, reptiles , frogs.
bisexuality: describes when animal shows sexual behaviour towards both males , females.
extended female sexuality: when females mate males outside of conceptive period.


seahorses, once considered monogamous species pairs mating life, described in 2007 study promiscuous, flighty, , more little bit gay . scientists @ 15 aquaria studied 90 seahorses of 3 species. of 3,168 sexual encounters, 37% same-sex acts. flirting common (up 25 potential partners day of both sexes); 1 species (the british spiny seahorse) included faithful representatives, , these 5 of 17 faithful, 12 not. bisexual behaviour widespread , considered both great surprise , shock , big-bellied seahorses of both sexes not showing partner preference. 1,986 contacts male-female, 836 female-female , 346 male-male.


bonobos mating, jacksonville zoo , gardens.

the bonobo bisexual species. both males , females engage in sexual behaviour same , opposite sex, females being particularly noted engaging in sexual behaviour each other , @ 75% of sexual activity being nonreproductive. primatologist frans de waal believes bonobos use sexual activity resolve conflict between individuals. sexual activity occurs between ages , sexes of bonobo societies.


male bottlenose dolphins have been observed working in pairs follow or restrict movement of female weeks @ time, waiting become sexually receptive. same pairs have been observed engaging in intense sexual play each other. janet mann, professor of biology , psychology @ georgetown university, argues common same-sex behaviour among male dolphin calves bond formation , benefits species evolutionarily. cite studies have shown dolphins later in life bisexual , male bonds forged homosexuality work protection locating females reproduce. in 1991, english man prosecuted allegedly having sexual contact dolphin. man found not guilty after revealed @ trial dolphin known tow bathers through water hooking penis around them.


the female spotted hyena has unique urinary-genital system, closely resembling penis of male, called pseudo-penis. dominance relationships strong sexual elements routinely observed between related females. notable using visible sexual arousal sign of submission not dominance in males females (females have sizable erectile clitoris). speculated facilitate this, sympathetic , parasympathetic nervous systems may partially reversed in respect reproductive organs.


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