After Prophet Muhammad's Death Najd

map detailing route of khalid ibn walid s conquest of arabia.

at time of muhammad, had been appointed tax collector tribe of banu tamim. malik heard of death of muhammad, gave tax tribespeople, saying, owner of wealth. moreover, charged because signed pact self-proclaimed prophet sajjah. agreement stated first deal local enemy tribes together, , confront state of madinah.

his riders stopped khalid s army @ town of buttah. khalid asked them signing of pact sajjah; said because wanted revenge against terrible enemies.

when khalid reached najd found no opposing army. sent cavalry nearby villages , ordered them call azaan (call prayers) each party meet. zirrar bin azwar, squadron leader, arrested family of malik, claiming did not answer call prayer. malik avoided direct contact khalid s army , ordered followers scatter, , , family apparently moved away across desert. refused give zakat, hence differentiating between prayer , zakat

nevertheless, malik accused of rebellion against state of medina. charged entering in anti-caliphate alliance sajjah, self-proclaimed prophetess. malik arrested along clan men,

malik asked khalid crimes. malik s response master said this, master said referring abu bakr. khalid declared malik rebel apostate , ordered execution. khalid bin walid killed malik ibn nuwayra.

ikrimah ibn abi-jahl, 1 of corps commanders, instructed make contact musaylima @ yamamah, not engage in fighting until khalid joined him. abu bakr s intention in giving ikrimah mission tie musaylima down @ yamamah. ikrimah on horizon, musaylima remain in expectation of muslim attack, , not able leave base. musaylima committed, khalid free deal apostate tribes of north-central arabia without interference yamamah.

meanwhile, abu bakr sent shurhabil s corps reinforce ikrama @ yamamah. ikrimah, however, in september 632 a.d attacked musaylima s forces , defeated. wrote details of actions abu bakr, who, both pained , angered rashness of ikrimah , disobedience, ordered him proceed force oman assist hudaifa; once hudaifa had completed task, march mahra arfaja, , thereafter go yemen muhajir.

meanwhile, abu bakr sent orders khalid march against musaylima. shurhabil s corps, stationed @ yamamah, reinforce khalid s corps. in addition abu bakr assembled fresh army of ansar , muhajireen in medina joined khalid s corps @ butah. butah khalid marched yamamah join shurhabil s corps.

though abu bakr had instructed shurhabil not engage musaylima s forces until arrival of khalid, shortly before arrival of khalid, shurhabil engaged musaylima s forces , defeated too. khalid joined corps of shurhabil in december 632.

the combined force of muslims, 13,000 strong, defeated musaylima s army in battle of yamama, fought in third week of december 632 ce. fortified city of yamamah surrendered peacefully later week.

khalid established headquarters @ yamamah, despatched columns on plain of aqraba subdue region around yamamah , kill or capture resisted. thereafter of central arabia submitted medina.

what remained of apostasy in less vital areas of arabia rooted out muslims in series of planned campaigns within 5 months.

after ridda wars till 10th century

muhammad s followers rapidly expanded territory under muslim rule beyond arabia, conquering huge swathes of territory (from iberian peninsula in west modern day pakistan in east) in matter of decades. in doing, arabia became politically peripheral region of muslim world focus shifted more developed conquered lands. 10th century 20th century mecca , medina under control of local arab ruler known sharif of mecca, @ times sharif owed allegiance ruler of 1 of major islamic empires based in baghdad, cairo or istanbul. of remainder of became saudi arabia reverted traditional tribal rule.


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