A Glossary of bird terms

a form of social grooming among birds, in 1 bird preens or pair mutually. @ times may used redirect or sublimate aggression, such 1 bird assuming solicitation posture indicate non-aggression , invite allopreening aggressive individual.
alternate plumage
also, nuptial plumage; breeding plumage. plumage of birds during courtship or breeding season. results prealternate moult many birds undergo prior season. alternate plumage commonly brighter basic plumage, purposes of sexual display, may cryptic, hide incubating birds might vulnerable on nest.

also defined herewith: semi-altricial; altricial-precocial spectrum. young that, @ hatching, have eyes closed; naked or sparsely covered in down feathers (psilopaedic); not able regulate body temperature (ectothermic); , unable walk or leave nest extended period of time join parents in foraging activities (nidicolous), whom rely on food. contrasting state precocial young, born more or less eyes open, covered in down, homeothermic, able leave nest , ambulate, , participate in foraging. young of many bird species not precisely fit either precocial or altricial category, having aspects of each , fall somewhere on altricial-precocial spectrum . defined intermediate state termed semi-altricial, typified young that, though born covered in down (ptilopaedic), unable leave nest or walk , reliant on parents food.

location of alula on bird s wing


also, bastard wing; alular digit; alular quills. small, freely-moving projection on anterior edge of wing of modern birds (and few non-avian dinosaurs)—a bird s thumb —the word latin , means winglet ; diminutive of ala, meaning wing . alula typically bears 3 5 small flight feathers, exact number depending on species. lie flush against anterior edge of wing, , function in similar manner slats of airplane s wing, allowing wing achieve higher normal angle of attack, aiding in lift. manipulating alula structure create gap between , rest of wing, bird can avoid stalling when flying @ low speeds or landing. feathers on alula or bastard wing not considered flight feathers in strict sense; though asymmetrical, lack length , stiffness of true flight feathers. however, alula feathers distinct aid slow flight.
descriptive of tetradactyl (four-toed) birds in architecture of foot consists of 3 toes projecting forward , 1 toe projecting backward (the hallux), such in passerine species.

also defined herewith: passive anting. self-anointing behaviour during birds rub insects, ants, on feathers , skin. bird may pick insects in bill , rub them on body, or bird may lie in area of high density of insects , perform dust bathing-like movements. insects secrete liquids containing chemicals such formic acid, can act insecticide, miticide, fungicide or bactericide. alternatively, anting make insects edible removing distasteful acid, or, possibly supplement bird s own preen oil. instead of ants, birds can use millipedes. more 200 species of bird known ant. practice may called passive anting , when bird positions allow ants crawl through plumage.

a yellow-legged gull (larus michahellis) in flight. apical spots tinge row of feathers on trailing edges of wings.

apical spot
a visible spot near outer tip of feather.
singular: apteria. regions of bird s skin, between pterylae (feather tracts), free of contour feathers; filoplumes , down may grow in these areas. see related: pterylosis.

the captive breeding , keeping of birds.
also, axillar region; underarm ; armpit . armpit of bird, hosting covert feathers called axillaries.
also, axillary feathers; lower humeral coverts; hypopteron. covert feathers found in axillar region or armpit of bird, typically long, stiff , white in colour.

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