
Showing posts from August, 2011

Uses Disk image

1 uses 1.1 enhancement 1.2 software distribution 1.3 security 1.4 virtualization 1.5 system backup 1.6 rapid deployment of clone systems 1.7 legacy hardware emulation 1.8 copy protection circumvention uses disk images used heavily duplication of optical media including dvds, blu-ray disks, etc. used make perfect clones of hard disks. a virtual disk may emulate type of physical drive, such hard disk drive, tape drive, key drive, floppy drive, cd/dvd/bd/hd dvd or network share among others; , of course, since not physical, requires virtual reader device matched (see below). emulated drive typically created either in ram fast read/write access (known ram disk), or on hard drive. typical uses of virtual drives include mounting of disk images of cds , dvds, , mounting of virtual hard disks purpose of on fly disk encryption ( otfe ). some operating systems such linux , macos have virtual drive functionality built-in (such loop device), while others such older versions of microsoft windows re...

Academic recognition and town-planning.2C 1840-50 William Hosking

1 academic recognition , town-planning, 1840-50 1.1 professorship @ king s college 1.2 institute of british architects 1.3 church , chapel design 1.4 modern town planning academic recognition , town-planning, 1840-50 professorship @ king s college hosking s work @ abney park won important admirers, critics. combination of architectural design approach, academically researched in every detail, conceptual empathy non-denominational idea, , educational landscape complete arboretum, presented environs of london challenging standard future landscape , building design. in 1840, in recognition of hosking s contribution advancement of architectural practice, offered first professorship of king s college in art of construction , renamed principles , practice of architecture , better reflect relatively new profession , emergence academic discipline. hosking s educational approach set out in new book of same title, principles , practice of architecture (1842). appointment king s college of coup...

Early history Vanderbilt University Divinity School

the spire of benton chapel vanderbilt divinity school founded in 1875 biblical department , under auspices of methodist episcopal church, south, 1 predecessor of present-day united methodist church. in 1914, in concert university s severance of ties mecs, school became interdenominational , ecumenical, , in 1915, school s name changed biblical department of vanderbilt university vanderbilt school of religion; adopted present name in 1956. present physical plant of school, known colloquially quadrangle or quad, completed in 1960; benton chapel abuts quad named mid-20th-century dean, john keith benton. in 1966 graduate school of theology of oberlin college in ohio merged of vanderbilt, increasing faculty resources of both divinity school , graduate department of religion, holdings of school s portion of university library.

History Clyde Hill, Washington

(learn how , when remove template message) between 1946 , 1948, j. gordon , mary schneidler subdivided , sold more dozen lots in five-acre subdivision in clyde hill. each deed of sale included following restriction: property shall not resold, leased, rented or occupied except or persons of aryan race. why schneidlers used term aryan race unclear. racial concept meant northern europeans distinct eastern , southern europeans. aryans-only restriction have excluded italians, greeks, poles, russians, , many other european ancestries jews , non europeans. in response community s desire control land use development such lot size , commercial zoning, clyde hill officially incorporated town on march 31, 1953. on november 10, 1998, council voted organize clyde hill non-charter code city. in 1953 area residents voted become incorporated town vote of 145 117. ken day defeated don clark first clyde hill mayors position, 91 58. initial councilmembers elected on write-in votes. the first elected ...

The Eighth Doctor Adventures List of Doctor Who audio plays by Big Finish

1 eighth doctor adventures 1.1 series 1 (2007) 1.2 series 2 (2008) 1.3 series 3 (2009) 1.4 series 4 (2009-11) the eighth doctor adventures in 2006 big finish began standalone range of audio plays featuring eighth doctor. these stories set after travels charley pollard , c rizz in monthly range, subsequently ended. range ended in march 2011. series 1 (2007) the first series of 8 doctor adventures began blood of daleks, 2 part story spread across 2 separate releases , showcasing more voilent approach. series 2 (2008) series 3 (2009) series 4 (2009-11)

Kursenieki Vistula Spit

curonian-populated area in 1649 while today kursenieki, known kuršininkai extinct baltic ethnic group living along curonian spit, in 1649 kuršininkai settlement spanned memel (klaipėda) danzig (gdańsk). kuršininkai assimilated germans, except along curonian spit still live. kuršininkai considered latvians until after world war when latvia gained independence russian empire, consideration based on linguistic arguments. rationale latvian claims on curonian spit, memel, , other territories of east prussia later dropped.

Brasileirão Football records in Brazil

1 brasileirão 1.1 titles 1.2 top-flight appearances 1.3 wins 1.4 draws 1.5 losses 1.6 points 1.7 games without loss 1.8 games without win 1.9 fixtures 1.10 appearances 1.11 goals 1.11.1 individual 1.11.2 team 1.12 attendances 1.13 scorelines 1.14 disciplinary 1.15 promotion , change in position brasileirão records in section refer (level 1) i.e. taça brasil founding in 1959 through 1968, torneio roberto gomes pedrosa founding in 1967 through 1970, , campeonato brasileiro série or brasileirão 1971 present. records relating team performances divided records in round-robin era (from 2003 present) , championships before it. titles most brazilian national titles: 9 palmeiras (1960, 1967 (tb), 1967 (r), 1969, 1972, 1973, 1993, 1994, 2016) most consecutive brazilian national titles: 5: santos (1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965) top-flight appearances most appearances: 55 grêmio most consecutive seasons in top-flight: 51 cruzeiro fewest appearances in top-flight (from 1971): 1, joint record: vitóri...

Needle exchange programmes Harm reduction

a bin allowing safe disposal of needles in public toilet in caernarfon, wales. the use of illicit drugs can involve hypodermic needles. in areas (notably in many parts of us), these available solely prescription. availability limited, users of heroin , other drugs share syringes , use them more once. result, infections such hiv or hepatitis c can spread user user through reuse of syringes contaminated infected blood. principles of harm reduction propose syringes should available or @ least available through needle , syringe programmes (nsp). syringes provided in sufficient quantities, rates of hiv lower in places supply restricted. in many countries users supplied equipment free of charge, others require payment or exchange of dirty needles clean ones, hence name. a 2010 review found insufficient evidence nsp prevents transmission of hepatitis c virus, tentative evidence prevents transmission of hiv , sufficient evidence reduces self-reported injecting risk behaviour. has been shown in...

Drugs Harm reduction

1 drugs 1.1 needle exchange programmes 1.2 targeted , low-threshold primary health care outlet 1.3 supervised injection sites 1.3.1 united states 1.4 opioid replacement therapy (ort) 1.5 heroin maintenance programmes 1.6 naloxone distribution 1.6.1 united states 1.6.2 australia 1.7 cannabis 1.8 alcohol 1.9 alcohol-related programmes 1.10 tobacco 1.11 psychedelics drugs in case of recreational drug use, harm reduction put forward useful perspective alongside more conventional approaches of demand , supply reduction. many advocates argue prohibitionist laws criminalise people suffering disease , cause harm; example, obliging drug addicts obtain drugs of unknown purity unreliable criminal sources @ high prices, thereby increasing risk of overdose , death. website collects , publishes information , first-hand experience reports kinds of drugs educate (potential) drug users. while vast majority of harm reduction initiatives educational campaigns or facilities aim reduce drug-rela...

Government Stafford, Texas

stafford city hall the stafford municipal complex located in southern part of city off staffordshire road @ constitution avenue. local government the city of stafford stopped levying nonschool property taxes in 1995. houston-area city , highest populated city in texas so. sales , franchise taxes businesses fund city. as of 2012, mayor of stafford leonard scarcella, first elected in 1969. has been lifelong resident of city. the stafford city hall, stafford police department, , municipal court buildings located on south main, adjacent 1 another. stafford volunteer fire department operates out of 3 fire stations. county, state, , federal representation stafford partially located in fort bend county , partially in harris county. residents pay property taxes respective counties. harris county precinct one, headed commissioner rodney ellis, serves section of stafford in harris county. much of stafford located in district 26 of texas house of representatives. of 2012, charlie howard represent...

Church history and affiliation Methodist Church of Fiji and Rotuma

view of house enclosing grave of rev. william cross, , principal heathen temple, @ somosomo, feejee (iv, november 1847, p.120) christianity introduced fiji in 1830 3 tahitian teachers london missionary society. australian-based wesleyan missionary society began work in lakeba in lau islands on 12 october 1835 under david cargill , william cross, along tongans. conversion of many prominent chiefs, including seru epenisa cakobau, in 1854, led conversion of of population. large-scale indian immigration fiji began in 1879, , indian mission began in 1892. in 1964 methodist church in fiji became independent entity. the methodist church of fiji , rotuma member of world council of churches (since 1976), pacific conference of churches, fiji council of churches, , world methodist council. the 2006 coup d état the powerful methodist church backed past 3 coups, has opposed 2006 coup. the methodist church condemned coup d état carried out republic of fiji military forces on 5 december 2006. church ...

North Highline Annexation Burien, Washington

three tree point in burien @ sunset. late in 2004, city assessed possibility of annexing north highline (which includes white center , boulevard park), 1 of largest urban unincorporated areas of king county, double size of burien. many citizens spoke against annexation , created picket signs , petitions protest against it. other citizens welcomed expansion, felt parts of so-called north highline area should have been part of original burien incorporation, , area in question part of larger highline area. (the highline area includes cities of burien, seatac, des moines, federal way , unincorporated area called north highline. ) in may 2008, burien city council proposed annexation of southern portion of north highline, comprising 14,000 residents. in late summer of 2008, city of burien prepared submit annexation proposal king county s boundary review board. however, after city of seattle protested burien s proposal, burien opted withdraw annexation plan , resubmit after new countywid...

History Violin

the cupola of madonna dei miracoli in saronno, angels playing violin, viola , cello, dates 1535 , 1 of earliest depictions of violin family the earliest stringed instruments plucked (for example, greek lyre). two-stringed, bowed instruments, played upright , strung , bowed horsehair, may have originated in nomadic equestrian cultures of central asia, in forms closely resembling modern-day mongolian morin huur , kazakh kobyz. similar , variant types disseminated along east-west trading routes asia middle east, , byzantine empire. the first makers of violins borrowed various developments of byzantine lira. these included rebec; arabic rebab; vielle (also known fidel or viuola); , lira da braccio violin in present form emerged in 16th-century northern italy. earliest pictures of violins, albeit 3 strings, seen in northern italy around 1530, @ around same time words violino , vyollon seen in italian , french documents. 1 of earliest explicit descriptions of instrument, including tuning...

Transportation Katy, Texas

1 transportation 1.1 mass transit 1.2 intercity buses 1.3 airports transportation mass transit metropolitan transit authority of harris county (metro) operates kingsland park , ride (route 221) east of katy @ 21669 kingsland boulevard. in february 2008 metro opened new park , ride location @ cinemark parking lots near intersection of grand parkway , i-10. new route #222. currently, these express routes operate , downtown houston during morning , evening commute hours. metro opened six-story garage park , ride bus depot @ intersection of i-10 west , grand parkway service commuters. intercity buses greyhound bus lines operates katy station @ millers exxon. stops @ katy mills en route between austin, san antonio , houston. serves park-and-ride location riders katy , greater houston area. airports privately owned airports fixed-wing aircraft public use located near katy include: sack-o-grande acroport (also known harbican airport) in unincorporated harris county houston executi...

Aftermath SilkAir Flight 185

1 aftermath 1.1 lawsuits 1.2 silkair 1.3 dramatisation 1.4 in popular culture aftermath lawsuits silkair paid us$10,000 compensation each victim s family, maximum under warsaw convention. boeing paid undisclosed amount of compensation. in 2001, 6 families had sued silkair damages based on allegation crash caused pilot turned down singapore high court judge, ruled, onus of proving flight mi185 intentionally crashed has not been discharged. despite fact ntsb , parker hannifin had ruled out possibility of mechanical failure cause crash of flight 185 due defective pcu servo valve-unit (manufactured parker hannifin), independent , private investigation refocused on , further examined recovered pcu device malfunctioning has been pointed out in other sudden boeing 737 crashes. manufacturer s records relating particular unit revealed had failed routine tests, claimed have corrected these problems. metals expert, use of images scanning electron microscope, concluded servo valve had chip-outs ...

Economy Bellevue, Washington

with immediate proximity redmond, home of microsoft , nintendo of america, , direct highway access seattle via interstate 90 , state route 520, bellevue home headquarters of many small , large businesses, many of technology companies started in 1990s, including celebrated video game companies valve , bungie. city has numerous thriving commercial districts, including 3 major shopping centers aside bellevue square: factoria mall south, crossroads mall east, , overlake shopping district in north. panorama of bellevue, washington.

History San Giovanni Teatino

location of san giovanni teatino @ extreme north of chieti province showing against neighboring pescara province one of defining traits of ancient territory of forcabobolina - sambuceto dependency area of 2 demographic centers of importance: aterno (pescara) , chieti. end of 11th century ce @ beginning of twelfth century, relations between these cities , castle of furca , sambuceto multi-faceted , complex. in sources, area described silva (forest). chieti center of episcopal power , governing power, @ least normans, , exercised institutional-political influence on furca. castle followed institutional rulings of teatino territory (teatino indicates influence of city of chieti, called theate (greek: Θεάτη) (or teate in latin)), becoming, norman bishop rainolfo, center of military political power @ service of territorial lordship, exercising strategic role in hosting courts , being seat of military garrison. since middle of twelfth century, population growth led construction of church o...

Design A7V

panzerwagen a7v the a7v 7.34 metres (24.1 ft) long, 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide, , maximum height 3.3 metres (11 ft). tank had 20 mm of steel plate @ sides, 30 mm @ front , 10 mm roof; however, steel not hardened armour plate, reduced effectiveness. thick enough stop machine-gun , rifle fire, not larger calibre rounds. the crew consisted of 17 soldiers , 1 officer: commander (officer, typically lieutenant), driver, mechanic, mechanic/signaller, 12 infantrymen (six machine gunners, 6 loaders), , 2 artillerymen (main gunner , loader).

Legacy John Cooke Bourne

1 legacy 1.1 railroad depiction 1.2 lithography 1.3 photography legacy railroad depiction in 19th century bourne gave face fascination new railway technology. among earliest artists integrated depiction of railway construction established landscape tradition. rails barely visible or coexisted stock landscape elements of cattle, rocks, sky, , greenery. nowadays bourne considered 1 of greatest railway artists, , described elton piranesi of railway age. according russell (2001) bourne s 2 series of railroad scene s works, equalled work of thomas shotter boys. burman & stratton (1997) explained: the dramatic engineering works these main lines were, canals, largely dependent on hand labour aided pick , wheelbarrow. scale, , human effort in creating them. wonderfully conveyed in drawings of john cook bourne, recording camden bank , tring cutting on london & birmingham railway (bourne, 1839) , maidenhead bridge , box tunnel on great western main line paddington bristol (bourne, 18...

History of the Great Western Railway, 1846 John Cooke Bourne

route of great western railway on cheffin s map, 1850. in 1846 bourne published second book series of drawings of great western railway, linked london south-west , west of england , of wales. full title of work, advertised in volume of 1846 appleton s literary bulletin, was: the history , description of great western railway; including geology , antiquities of district through passes, accompanied plan , section of railway, geological map, , numerous views of principal viaducts, tunnels, stations, , of scenery , antiquities in vicinity, drawings taken expressly work, , executed in lithography john c. bourne. folio, pp. 76, 34 plates. the idea work came publisher , due popularity of subject. style of drawings different 1838 work on london , birmingham railway. more impressionistic , composed in far more painterly way. freeman & aldcroft (1991) stipulated, in volume emphasis on engineering feats reduced (presumably because line years old), , focus shifts more views carriage window ...

1912 season Smoky Joe Wood

baseball card equally compelling in drama, wood s red sox faced john mcgraw s new york giants in historic 1912 world series. after slugging out in 7 close games, teams met deciding game 8 @ fenway future hall of famer christy mathewson starting giants. after boston tied score 1–1 in bottom of seventh, wood came in pitch. matched mathewson in eighth , ninth, , game went innings. in top of tenth, fred merkle got wood knocking in run single. in bottom of tenth, clyde engle, pinch-hitting wood, hit easy fly ball fred snodgrass in center field, , snodgrass dropped ball. given new life, snodgrass muff cost giants speaker , larry gardner each knocked in run overcome 1-run deficit. wood , red sox won game 3–2 , series 4-3-1. wood, game third win in series against 1 loss. struck out 11 batters in 1 game, becoming first pitcher record double-digit strikeouts in world series game.

Laws and movements Pornography in Japan

1 laws , movements 1.1 censorship laws 1.2 religion , pornography 1.3 child pornography 1.4 sexual assault 1.5 subgenres of japanese porn 1.6 dōjin , parodies 1.7 anime 1.8 games 1.9 internet 1.10 magazines 1.11 manga 1.12 video laws , movements censorship laws in japan, under article 175 of criminal code of japan people sell or distribute obscene materials can punished fines or imprisonment. article 175 included in original document in 1907 , remains relatively unchanged. showing pubic hair , adult genitalia once considered obscene. video pornography routinely depicts explicit sex scenes participants s genitalia obscured pixelization. amount of censorship of penis can vary. publication of waterfruit , santa fe kishin shinoyama first publication featured pubic hair. many video production companies belong ethical associations provide guidance on acceptable , not. nihon ethics of video association, ethics organization of computer software , contents soft association examples of 3 such or...

The Schedules Schedular system of taxation

1 schedules 1.1 history 1.2 cases of schedule d 1.3 relief expenses 1.4 case of schedule d , schedule a 1.4.1 tax depreciation 1.4.2 tonnage tax 1.5 case iii of schedule d 1.6 case v of schedule d 1.7 case vi of schedule d 1.8 chargeable gains 1.9 controlled foreign company (cfc) charge the schedules notes: history income tax levied under 5 schedules - income not falling within schedules not taxed. schedules were: schedule (tax on income uk land) schedule b (tax on commercial occupation of land) schedule c (tax on income public securities) schedule d (tax on trading income, income professions , vocations, interest, overseas income , casual income) schedule e (tax on employment income) later sixth schedule, schedule f (tax on uk dividend income) added. the schedules under tax levied have changed. schedule b abolished in 1988, schedule c in 1996 , schedule e in 2003. income tax purposes, remaining schedules abolished in 2005. schedules a, d , f remain corporation tax purposes. cases of s...