Aftermath SilkAir Flight 185
1 aftermath
1.1 lawsuits
1.2 silkair
1.3 dramatisation
1.4 in popular culture
silkair paid us$10,000 compensation each victim s family, maximum under warsaw convention. boeing paid undisclosed amount of compensation. in 2001, 6 families had sued silkair damages based on allegation crash caused pilot turned down singapore high court judge, ruled, onus of proving flight mi185 intentionally crashed has not been discharged.
despite fact ntsb , parker hannifin had ruled out possibility of mechanical failure cause crash of flight 185 due defective pcu servo valve-unit (manufactured parker hannifin), independent , private investigation refocused on , further examined recovered pcu device malfunctioning has been pointed out in other sudden boeing 737 crashes. manufacturer s records relating particular unit revealed had failed routine tests, claimed have corrected these problems. metals expert, use of images scanning electron microscope, concluded servo valve had chip-outs , numerous burrs have interfered smooth operation of valve. after investigation complete, in 2004, los angeles superior court jury in united states, not allowed hear or consider ntsb s conclusions accident, found crash caused defective servo valve in plane s rudder. hydraulic pcu device manufacturer, parker hannifin, ordered pay 3 families of victims involved in case us$43.6 million. after threatening appeal verdict, parker hannifin later compensated families involved (although did not accept liability).
in aftermath of crash, worsening conditions asian aviation in general due financial crisis, silkair terminated singapore-jakarta service, , has never returned since. prior crash, route served both silkair , parent company singapore airlines; of 2017, route, second-busiest international route in world, served singapore airlines , budget offshoot scoot, combined, serve jakarta combined 79 times weekly (up 12 daily flights).
the discovery channel canada / national geographic tv series mayday (also called air crash investigation or air disasters) dramatised accident in 2012 episode titled pushed limit (broadcast in countries pilot under pressure).
in popular culture
singaporean singer jj lin (林俊杰) s 2013 song practice love (修煉愛情) album stories untold (因你而在) based on accident, close friend of artist killed on flight.
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