Laws and movements Pornography in Japan
1 laws , movements
1.1 censorship laws
1.2 religion , pornography
1.3 child pornography
1.4 sexual assault
1.5 subgenres of japanese porn
1.6 dōjin , parodies
1.7 anime
1.8 games
1.9 internet
1.10 magazines
1.11 manga
1.12 video
laws , movements
censorship laws
in japan, under article 175 of criminal code of japan people sell or distribute obscene materials can punished fines or imprisonment. article 175 included in original document in 1907 , remains relatively unchanged. showing pubic hair , adult genitalia once considered obscene. video pornography routinely depicts explicit sex scenes participants s genitalia obscured pixelization. amount of censorship of penis can vary. publication of waterfruit , santa fe kishin shinoyama first publication featured pubic hair. many video production companies belong ethical associations provide guidance on acceptable , not. nihon ethics of video association, ethics organization of computer software , contents soft association examples of 3 such organizations. recent controversies have frowned upon both pubic hair , genitalia being displayed in works of art , in educational settings. in 2014 japanese police discovered underground pornography store possessed machine claimed able remove pixelization images contained on censored dvds.
religion , pornography
japan s indigenous religion, shinto (kami-no-michi), based in animism, belief supernatural beings dwell in nature. gods , goddesses of shinto not repositories of morality or perfection; instead, exist within nature , thus, sexuality innate part of life itself. therefore, religious attitudes no obstacle presence of pornographic material in japan s secular society, nor pornography blasphemous in way, not when depicts religious persons (mostly shrine maidens) or mythological beings.
child pornography
possession of child pornography depicting real children illegal in japan since june 2014. distribution of child pornography made de jure illegal in 1999 after international pressure united nations, unicef , other international organizations, although law made distinction between hardcore pornography , softcore pornography available in japan, such @ junior idol , lolicon media centers akihabara , nipponbashi, , @ konbini, or japanese convenience stores. prosecutions have been made under new law japan s powerful prosecutors under japan s unique legal system, resulting in financial verdicts, relative strictness of enforcement continuing vary prefecture.
in june 2008, bill proposed imposition of ban on child-pornography possession submitted house of representatives of japan brought before diet in september, failed pass.
on july 15, 2014 penalties added simple possession of child pornography result of revision of law.
sexual assault
in 2016 campaign group human rights reported allegations women appearing in pornographic films had been forced against will. group called introduction of legislation regulate production companies , for performers had experienced abuse.
in 1999, milton diamond , ayako uchiyama postulated rise of pornographic material in japan 1970s onwards creates decrease in reported violence.
subgenres of japanese porn
among various subgenres of japanese pornography following:
lolicon (short lolita complex ) ロリコン: genre involves prepubescent , adolescent girls between aged of 6-11. typically animated pornography, legal age featured in pornographic film in japan 18.
shotacon (short shoutarou complex ): similar lolicon, genre involves prepubescent or under-aged boys between ages 6–11. typically animated pornography, legal age featured in pornographic film in japan 18. although, legislations considered reveal applies real world , not referred animated or fantasy media.
yaoi ( boy s love ): featuring 2 grown adult men in homosexual/gay relationship. target audience typically young adult women. typically features feminine uke, or submissive, , masculine seme, or dominative.
bara ( men s love ): subgenre of yaoi. typically features adult men varying degrees of muscle, body fat, , body hair, akin beefcake or bears. unlike yaoi, bara made actual homosexual men, homosexual men, , tends focus on more realistic obstacles , challenges come being homosexual in japan.
yuri ( girl s love ): featuring 2 grown adult women in homosexual/lesbian relationship. targets male audience, less popular yaoi.
porn women: new subgenre targeting women, portraying eromen (erotic men) catering women s needs.
dōjin , parodies
dōjinshi (often transliterated doujinshi) or literally fan works contain pornographic imitations of popular anime, games , manga.
animated erotica (known in west hentai in japan adult anime ) popular genre in japan , maintains same style of animation seen in other popular forms of japanese animation (anime). term hentai literally means metamorphosis or transformation , in alternate use , in context situation of lewdness, means perverse manner or pervert .
adult-oriented games genre video games in japan. genre unknown outside japan because of several problems, cultural , translational. known bishōjo games or pretty girl games (alternately spelled bishoujo ) in japanese, games known under several names used english fans, including pc dating-sim game, hentai game/h game, , on. companies such jast usa , mangagamer translating dating sims , visual novels english fledgling market outside japan. adult video games in japan, rating of 18+ coined ethics organization of computer software or contents soft association. rating of adult video games has not gone in computer entertainment rating organization.
the internet
fanfictions, commonly found in websites, not limited fictitious characters , use real live people well, though these works make little sense not see japanese tv programs. dōjinshi writers typically use internet market products offering previews of new works, secret address buyers can find additional works, , sample of games. recruit new writers , artists online. several exclusively adult oriented search engines exist let find site looking for, without having search through commercial websites list keywords. many works of dōjinshi featured in websites collect art , let people free.
many websites feature seasonal greeting pictures, pornographic, linked sites , friends frequent sites. typical christmas greeting picture on such sites features santa-girl in various stages of undressing. twelve zodiac animals of chinese astrology allow variations on catgirls.
magazines are, along videos, popular media pornographic materials. magazines contains pornographic manga or pictures controlled, , feature age requirements purchase. many localities in japan require pornographic magazines sealed when sold outside of adult bookstores. not uncommon find non-pornographic magazines feature nudity. many magazines, weekly tabloids, include nude images , photo spreads similar page 3 girls featured in many western tabloids. long these images not depict sexual organs or sex acts, not considered pornographic and, hence, freely sold in public.
confessional writings both genders popular topic in men s , pornographic magazines.
manga pornographic content targets both male , female audiences, , both male , female manga artists write pornographic works. more commonly referred hentai.
many pornographic films ( japanese adult video or jav) have titles may suggest use minors, or suggest show recording of actual crime. however, titles circulated approval of eirin, japanese film industry s regulatory body, in full compliance , not break japanese laws. common ploy have part of title replaced character, or use phonetically similar neologism. example, video 19-year-old girls sex party! may sold title 1x-year-old girls sex party! . word joshikōsei (女子高生), lit. high school girl , cannot used suggest girl of 15 years or younger, cannot legally act in pornographic video. homonymic neologism joshikōsei (女子校生), can mean girl student , used in large number of titles promote product without breaking censorship laws. fact may seen in popular places of japan such akihabara or den den town @ tokyo , osaka respectively.
japanese a/v caters many more fetishes might imagined (or thought legal) non-japanese. schoolgirl or uniform themed a/v dovetails aforementioned non-consensual genre—rape (レイプ, reipu)—are common. sm, rope bondage, bestiality, virgins, internal male climax or cream-pies (中出し, nakadashi), lesbians (レズ, rezu), along more eccentric fetishes (soap, office ladies, game shows) covered.
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