Needle exchange programmes Harm reduction

a bin allowing safe disposal of needles in public toilet in caernarfon, wales.

the use of illicit drugs can involve hypodermic needles. in areas (notably in many parts of us), these available solely prescription. availability limited, users of heroin , other drugs share syringes , use them more once. result, infections such hiv or hepatitis c can spread user user through reuse of syringes contaminated infected blood. principles of harm reduction propose syringes should available or @ least available through needle , syringe programmes (nsp). syringes provided in sufficient quantities, rates of hiv lower in places supply restricted. in many countries users supplied equipment free of charge, others require payment or exchange of dirty needles clean ones, hence name.

a 2010 review found insufficient evidence nsp prevents transmission of hepatitis c virus, tentative evidence prevents transmission of hiv , sufficient evidence reduces self-reported injecting risk behaviour. has been shown in many evaluations of needle-exchange programmes in areas clean syringes more available, illegal drug use no higher in other areas. needle exchange programmes have reduced hiv incidence 33% in new haven , 70% in new york city.

the melbourne, australia inner-city suburbs of richmond , abbotsford locations in use , dealing of heroin has been concentrated protracted time period. research organisation burnet institute completed 2013 north richmond public injecting impact study in collaboration yarra drug , health forum, city of yarra , north richmond community health centre , recommended 24-hour access sterile injecting equipment due ongoing widespread, frequent , highly visible nature of illicit drug use in areas. during period between 2010 , 2012 four-fold increase in levels of inappropriately discarded injecting equipment documented 2 suburbs. in local government area city of yarra, of richmond , abbotsford parts of, 1550 syringes collected each month public syringe disposal bins in 2012. furthermore, ambulance callouts heroin overdoses 1.5 times higher other melbourne areas in period between 2011 , 2012 (a total of 336 overdoses), , drug-related arrests in north richmond 3 times higher state average. burnet institute s researchers interviewed health workers, residents , local traders, in addition observing drug scene in frequented north richmond public injecting locations.

on 28 may 2013, burnet institute stated in media recommends 24-hour access sterile injecting equipment in melbourne suburb of footscray after area s drug culture continues grow after more ten years of intense law enforcement efforts. institute s research concluded public injecting behaviour frequent in area , inappropriately discarding injecting paraphernalia has been found in carparks, parks, footpaths , drives. furthermore, people inject drugs have broken open syringe disposal bins reuse discarded injecting equipment.

the british public body, national institute health , care excellence (nice), introduced new recommendation in april 2014 due increase in presentation of number of young people inject steroids @ uk needle exchanges. nice published needle exchange guidelines in 2009, in needle , syringe services not advised people under age of 18 years, organisation s director professor mike kelly explained different group of people presenting @ programs. in updated guidance, nice recommended provision of specialist services rapidly increasing numbers of steroid users , , needles should provided people under age of 18—a first nice—following reports of 15-year-old steroid injectors seeking develop muscles.


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