The Meltdown List of Ice Age characters

1 meltdown

1.1 fast tony
1.2 stu
1.3 lone gunslinger
1.4 cretaceous
1.5 maelstrom
1.6 piranhas
1.7 mini sloths
1.8 ashley

the meltdown
fast tony

a holmesina living in days of ice age, fast tony seller trying give off items such reeds , bark other denizens of ice age escape world s end, chance, predicted , came true. fast tony give off products in exchange whatever other animals bring of assistant , insipid glyptodon named stu. notoriously amoral others, being criticized manny willing sell off own mother grape . fast tony asked if offer, pretended had not thought of benefit of watching animals.

stu more fast tony s guinea pig prove wares worth, rather actual partner , proved more useful dead alive, fast tony had taken stu s shell (as stu had been killed maelstrom , cretaceous) , shamelessly tried pawn off other animals personal mobile home .

fast tony last seen @ end of ice age: meltdown using stu s shell raft.


stu glyptodon fast tony s partner. seemed disliked tony due stupid personality. assisted fast tony warn valley dam of ice burst , helped demonstrate fast tony s snorkel. after revelation of flood proved true, stu took test snorkel , used swim underwater. shortly after scaring james, young anteater, stu grabbed , pulled underwater unknown attacker. other animals begin leave, fast tony returns pool stu come along, stu s shell spat out of water unknown assailant. fast tony, after looking @ shell, sees makes great mobile home , runs off after other animals try , unload on someone. meanwhile, unknown attackers turn out marine reptiles cretaceous , maelstrom. in ending after flood, fast tony discovered have been using shell boat, leaves shell behind no longer needs it.

the lone gunslinger

the lone gunslinger teratornis.

the gunslinger acts voice warns other animals of dangers coming due valley reside flooding water. lone gunslinger warns them of danger , little else, rather hoping 1 or 2 of animals leaving die, furnishing food him , other vultures presumably family , friends with.

as watches of creatures in valley leave safety, makes cryptic statements friends it, , escalades point of singing musical number on how plotted eat other animals.

the lone gunslinger last shown flying on boat full of escaping animals , making provocative remarks.

in storybook version, , fellow vultures shown have ended feasting on cretaceous , maelstrom.


cretaceous cymbospondylus.

cretaceous shown in beginning frozen in great block of ice jarred loose when wall of ice began crumbling. ice melted, releasing both him , maelstrom lake abandoned animals. when made ice lake, first animal had encountered , eaten stu glyptodont, leaving behind shell. 2 sea reptiles swam further down series of rivers reached manny s herd crash, eddie, , ellie. cretaceous made great lunge @ manny, caught on tusks, flung far off, hitting piece of ice , falling water.

later, when dam broke, 2 reptiles went swimming on wall of water approaching towards escaping masses , pulled down manny when swimming save ellie. manny devised plan rid himself of 2 sea reptiles, having them try chase him, tricked them hitting log wedged under large rock. plan worked, freeing ellie, , boulder falls on cretaceous , maelstrom, killing them.

in storybook version, lone gunslinger , fellow vultures shown have ended feasting on cretaceous , maelstrom. he, along maelstrom, main antagonists of second ice age film.


maelstrom pliosaur.

maelstrom shown in beginning frozen in great block of ice jarred loose when wall of ice began crumbling. ice melted, releasing both cretaceous , him lake abandoned animals. when made ice lake, first animal had encountered , eaten stu glyptodont, leaving behind shell. 2 sea reptiles swam further down series of rivers reached manny s herd crash, eddie, , ellie. maelstrom intended eat sid not catch him, sid escaping diego, , had escaped maelstrom broke off massive chunk of ice sloth , saber-tooth had stood moments before.

later, when dam broke, 2 reptiles went swimming on wall of water approaching towards escaping masses , pulled down manny when swimming save ellie. manny devised plan rid himself of 2 sea reptiles, having them try chase him, tricked them hitting log wedged under large rock. plan worked, freeing ellie , killing cretaceous , maelstrom.

in storybook version, lone gunslinger , fellow vultures shown have ended feasting on cretaceous , maelstrom. he, along cretaceous, main antagonists of second ice age film.


the number of pirhana resided in ice lakes of waterpark, pursed flocks of baptornis , scattered other animals. pirhana, however, found potential prey in form of scrat had fall in lake. pirhanas bared teeth , chased scrat out of water onto ice floe, 1 leaping out of water , biting him on paw; paw holding prized acorn. angry had attempted take acorn. scrat seized pirhana , used hit @ others, fighting , kicking fish away, stunning them all. 1 attempted edge water, scrat stomped on side, forcing release acorn held.

in ice age 3, school of pirhana met baby tyrannosaurus, (one of momma s babies had been kidnapped sid) , bared teeth @ it. young tyrannosaur bared own teeth , frightened fish off.

mini sloths

a tribe of mini sloths smaller sloths worship sid , call him fire king . afterwards, try throw him lava, believing can avert flood sacrificing him. however, escapes.


ashley minor beaver character in second film. in appearance, treats sid piƱata , appears ringleader among kids.


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