Squirrels List of mammals of Yellowstone National Park

a chipmunk

order: rodentia family: sciuridae

least chipmunk, tamias minimus, meadows, forests, common
uinta chipmunk, neotamias umbrinus, meadows, forests, common
yellow-pine chipmunk, tamias amoenus, meadows, forests, common
american red squirrel, tamiasciurus hudsonicus, coniferous forests, common
northern flying squirrel, glaucomys sabrinus, forests, occasional
yellow-bellied marmot, marmota flaventris, forests, meadows, rocky areas, common
uinta ground squirrel, spermophilus armatus, meadows, sagebrush, common
golden-mantled ground squirrel, spermophilus lateralis, meadows, forests, rocky areas, alpine tundra, common


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