Office for the Administrative Review of Detained Enemy Combatants Salman Rabeii

combatant status review tribunals held in 3x5 meter trailer captive sat hands , feet shackled bolt in floor.

following supreme court s ruling department of defense set office administrative review of detained enemy combatants.

scholars @ brookings institution, lead benjamin wittes, listed captives still held in guantanamo in december 2008, according whether detention justified common allegations:

salman yahya hassan mohammed rabeii listed 1 of captives military alleges ... took military or terrorist training in afghanistan.
salman yahya hassan mohammed rabeii listed 1 of captives military alleges ... @ tora bora.
salman yahya hassan mohammed rabeii listed 1 of captives names or aliases found on material seized in raids on al qaeda safehouses , facilities.
salman yahya hassan mohammed rabeii listed 1 of captives foreign fighter.

in combatant status review tribunals recorder s responsibility act prosecutor, , compile , distribute allegations against detainee. during rabeii s hearing tribunal members asked recorder explain why wording of allegations, read out, differed wording in copies had been given read.


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