History Fiat Aviazione

1 history

1.1 beginning
1.2 biplanes jet aircraft
1.3 after first world war
1.4 merger società aeronautica d’italia
1.5 after second world war
1.6 setting of aeritalia company
1.7 changing name fiat avio

the beginning

in 1908, aeronautical production started taking first steps in turin, fiat, decision design , produce engine, sa 8/75, derived racing cars. beginning of centennial story heritage today linked directly avio. first mass-produced engine produced fiat a10, created in 1,070 units between 1914 , 1915: @ point pioneer age had come end , company decided design , construct complete aircraft (1969). in 1916 società italiana aviazione founded, changing name in 1918 fiat.

in turin, besides aircraft engines, , along lines of internal-combustion engine, fiat diversified production constitution in 1909 of fiat san giorgio marine diesel engines, area activities in field of industrial engines electric power generation later ensued. in colleferro (rome), bombrini parodi-delfino-bpd company, established in genoa in 1912, started manufacturing explosives , chemical products, space segment originated.

in aeronautical field, roots grew in brindisi saca company. gradually, many other realities began such cmasa di marina company in pisa, founded in 1921 german design engineer claude dornier, in collaboration rinaldo piaggio , attilio odero. finally, interactions , exchanges, accumulation of skills , experience, , multi-faceted stimuli have come many varied forms of international collaboration have taken place major companies general electric, rolls-royce, pratt & whitney , eurocopter, mention few of important names whom current partnerships go on half century.

from biplanes jet aircraft

after first pioneering design of aircraft engines @ beginning of twentieth century, against opinion of over-cautious directors towards new technologies , areas of activity, giovanni agnelli, 1 of fiat’s founder members, , technical director guido fornaca, supported aeronautical production, , started on industrial basis during great war meet military orders. therefore, società italiana aviazione (italian aviation company) established in 1916, , later passed aviation section of fiat in 1918. first mass-produced aeronautical engine (over 1,000 units), fiat a.10, installed in several aircraft between 1914 , 1915, such farman, later produced under licence, , three-engined caproni bomber aircraft.

after first world war

at end of first world war, technical , production resources accumulated during conflict directed @ emerging sector of commercial aeroplane. production of complete aircraft, started sp series, intensified under guidance of design engineer celestino rosatelli began collaboration fiat in 1918. fifteen years, rosatelli contributed famous cr , br fighter , bomber aircraft while, highly technical , reliable engines, fiat aircraft had run of world records: power, a14 of 700hp produced between 1917 , 1919; speed, 300 km/h achieved r700 in 1921; speed , airworthiness, as2 engine that, installed on idromacchi m20, established speed record seaplanes , won prestigious schneider cup in america in 1926; , speed again, new record attained francesco agello in 1934 in aeroplane powered fiat as6 engine of 3,100hp.

merger società aeronautica d’italia

in 1926, acquisition of ansaldo factory in corso francia, turin, fiat aviazione merged società aeronautica d’italia (italian aeronautical company). in 1931, vittorio valletta, general manager of fiat, employed young design engineer, giuseppe gabrielli, head aviation technical office. in 1934, acquisition of cmasa company marked entry of fiat production of seaplanes. great many of targets achieved in subsequent thirty-year period linked genius of gabrielli made name himself, beginning g2, commercial plane 6 seats besides pilot, destined used società aviolinee italiane (italian airline company), fiat majority shareholder, boasted original innovations , developments under 6 patents.

while investments in passenger , cargo transport sector continued opening of european routes civil airlines used g18 , apr2 twin-engine monoplanes, g50 produced in 1937, in cmasa factory in marina di pisa, first single-seater fighter plane employed italian air force.

after second world war

in 1949, having overcome uncertainties , difficulties of second world war, fiat aeronautical activities reorganised in aviation area. delays in production typologies accumulated in years of autarchy overcome technical competences of gabrielli , new climate of atlantic , inter-european collaboration. in 1951, gabrielli had designed g80, first italian jet aircraft powered de havilland “goblin” turbojet engine.

in 1950s, fiat aviazione started production revival means of american orders and, in particular, company in europe obtain licence nato construction of f86 k. entered agreement general electric , pratt & whitney production of jet engine components. experience acquired through work allowed company participate in international call tenders nato in 1954 light tactical fighter aircraft. following year, italian project, named g91, obtained order 3 prototypes, in same way english , french competitors, , emerged winner, final decision being made in 1958. g91 affirmed nato’s standard light fighter aircraft in european zone, becoming important italian postwar aircraft on 700 planes produced, part exported.

in 1961, fiat aviazione took on role of italian prime contractor nato f104 g aircraft and, under these circumstances, established collaboration relations alfa romeo avio company in pomigliano d’arco, near naples, directly controlled finmeccanica state company. middle of 1950s, under guidance of engineer stefanutti, alfa romeo avio had intensified collaboration relations rolls-royce , general electric aeronautical engines. in second half of 1960s, following consistent orders of dc-9 national flagship airline alitalia, controlled iri state company, collaboration began between mcdonnell douglas , aerfer, aeronautical , railway construction company established finmeccanica in 1950 on part of aeronautical centre in pomigliano d’arco.

setting of aeritalia company

in 1969, fiat , finmeccanica set aeritalia company, fiat entrusted aircraft activities.

subsequently, through different international collaborations, pomigliano d’arco specialised in development , production of components “hot parts” of jet engines , overhaul of civil aero engines. fiat concentrated instead on aero engines , transmissions helicopters, assembled fiat aviazione in 1976, 3,700 employees, production centres in turin , brindisi.

this choice consistent transformation of aeronautical industry’s worldwide scenario, characterised formation of few large groups , growing specialisation , internationalisation. twofold necessity ensued, on 1 side, put field collaborations crucial bringing financial resources , technological competences required increasingly sophisticated production in area of materials, electronics , safety systems and, on other, identify areas of specialisation in play leading role @ worldwide level. programme of refinement , improvement of quality control strategic factor gave rise fiat aviazione’s success during years.

changing name fiat avio

with change of company name fiat avio in 1989, turin company collaborated on design , manufacture of propulsion systems tornado , harrier jump jet (vertical/short takeoff , landing) in military sector, , boeing , airbus in commercial one, mention important examples in both military , commercial fields.

in 1997, acquisition of controlling stake in alfa romeo avio finmeccanica key national strategic project aimed @ reducing excessive fragmentation of italian companies , @ increasing competitiveness through more systematic synergies.


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