Coins of Dionysios Dionysios Soter

coins of dionysios.

the boxy mint mark characteristic of later indo-greek kings first used dionysios soter.

dionysios first in line of late kings issued silver drachms, no tetradrachms, due limited resources. on obverse diademed portrait of king, athena alkidemos on reverse.

he issued bronzes apollo on reverse , tripod on obverse. both these types inherited apollodotus ii. quality of portraits inferior earlier kings. according bopearachchi, dionysios inherited inferior celators of apollodotus ii, associates mints in eastern punjab.


one single coin of dionysios soter known have used boxy mint-mark characteristic of last indo-greek kings, down apollophanes, strato ii , strato iii, used exclusively of other. first king known have used mint-mark, therefore came during reign.


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