Cannabis Harm reduction

specific harms associated cannabis include increased accident-rate while driving under intoxication, dependence, psychosis, detrimental psychosocial outcomes adolescent users , respiratory disease. safer cannabis usage campaigns including ukcia (united kingdom cannabis internet activists) encourage methods of consumption shown cause less physical damage users body, including oral (eating) consumption, vaporization, usage of bongs cool , extent filters smoke, , smoking cannabis without mixing tobacco.

the fact cannabis possession carries prison sentences in developed countries pointed out problem european monitoring centre drugs , drug addiction (emcdda), consequences of conviction otherwise law-abiding users arguably more harmful harm drug itself. example, adversely affecting employment opportunities, impacting civil rights, , straining personal relationships. people ethan nadelmann of drug policy alliance have suggested organized marijuana legalization encourage safe use , reveal factual adverse effects exposure herb s individual chemicals.

the way laws concerning cannabis enforced selective, discriminatory. statistics show socially disadvantaged, immigrants , ethnic minorities have higher arrest rates. drug decriminalisation, such allowing possession of small amounts of cannabis , possibly cultivation personal use, alleviate these harms. decriminalisation has been implemented, such in several states in australia , united states, in portugal , netherlands no, or small adverse effects have been shown on population cannabis usage rate. lack of evidence of increased use indicates such policy shift not have adverse effects on cannabis-related harm while, @ same time, decreasing enforcement costs.

in last few years strains of cannabis plant higher concentrations of thc , drug tourism have challenged former policy in netherlands , led more restrictive approach; example, ban on selling cannabis tourists in coffeeshops suggested start late 2011. sale , possession of cannabis still illegal in portugal , possession of cannabis federal crime in united states.


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