Allegations of ideological bias NPR controversies

1 allegations of ideological bias

1.1 allegations of bias , against israel
1.2 allegations of elitism , status quo
1.3 study results

allegations of ideological bias
allegations of bias , against israel

npr has been criticised perceived bias in coverage of israel , israeli–palestinian conflict. committee accuracy in middle east reporting in america (camera), pro-israel american media monitoring organization based in boston, has been particularly critical of npr. camera director andrea levin has stated, consider npr biased mainstream media outlet, statement boston globe describes having gotten under target s skin. npr s then-ombudsman, jeffrey dvorkin, said in 2002 interview camera used selective citations , subjective definitions of considers pro-palestinian bias in formulating findings, , felt camera s campaign kind of mccarthyism, frankly, bashes , causes people question our commitment doing story fairly. , exacerbates legitimate anxieties of many in jewish community survival of israel.

camera organized boycott in 2001-2002 cost member station wbur-fm between $1 , $2 million. camera boycott extended new york times , washington post. jewish anti-defamation league , american-arab anti-discrimination committee have both criticized specific npr reports unbalanced, neither accused news organization of consistent underlying bias. other observers have accused npr of pro-israel bias, including fairness , accuracy in reporting. npr hired group outreach both jewish , arab communities. outside expert appointed perform quarterly self-reviews of israel-palestine coverage 2003 2013, finding lack of completeness strong factual accuracy , no systematic bias , citing reasons why palestinians heard on-air less israelis, overall voices arab countries heard more. 2014 israel–gaza conflict brought fresh round of complaints ombudsman both sides npr not assigning blame other side, or particular story focused on event or guest favorable 1 side (to ombudsman responded complainants ignored other balancing stories featured other side).

allegations of elitism , status quo

a 2004 fair study concluded npr’s guestlist shows radio service relies on same elite , influential sources dominate mainstream commercial news, , falls short of reflecting diversity of american public. further studies published in 2015 fair demonstrate lack of diversity in npr s board members. study found occupying board seats of npr , member stations disproportionately have corporate affiliations such investment funds, banking, consulting firms , corporate law firms 75 percent of board members falling such categories. 72 percent of individuals non-latino white males. other non-corporate affiliations being current or former government officials, academia , like.

in 2014 npr acknowledged lack of cultural , ethnic diversity among guests, viewpoints , topics covered composition of newsroom , board members.

noam chomsky has criticized npr being biased toward ideological power , status quo. alleges parameters of debate on given topic consciously curtailed. says since network maintains studios in ideological centers of opinion such washington, network feels necessity consider kinds of dissenting opinion acceptable. thus, political pragmatism, perhaps induced fear of offending public officials control of npr s funding (via cpb), determines views suitable broadcast, meaning opinions critical of structures of national-interest-based foreign policy, capitalism, , government bureaucracies (entailed so-called radical or activist politics) not make air.

study results

consumers of information npr contend npr job well. study conducted in 2003 polling firm knowledge networks , university of maryland s program on international policy attitudes (university of maryland @ college park) showed news , information public broadcasting (npr , pbs - public broadcasting service) better informed information comes other media outlets. in 1 study, npr , pbs audiences had more accurate understanding of events in iraq versus audiences cable , broadcast tv networks , print media.


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