Range and ecology Audubon's shearwater

p. l. lherminieri chick in nest burrow on little tobago.

the species colonial, nesting in small burrows , crevices in rocks , on earthy slopes on atolls , rocky islets. breeding season varies according location , subspecies, how precisely not well-studied. both parents share responsibility of incubating single white egg (measurements of 52.5 36.2 mm , weight of 37 g have been recorded 1 specimen of average size), each incubating periods of 2 10 days until egg hatches after 49–51 days of incubation. nestlings brooded half week 1 week, after time parents leave alone in burrow , spend of time foraging , feeding voracious offspring, become fat. time hatching fledging 62–75 days. audubon s shearwaters take 8 years reach breeding age. typical procellariiformes long-lived size, 1 bird ringed adult still alive 11 years later; must have been more 15 years old @ time.

while small populations threatened, species whole (in present sense, i.e. unsplit) not considered globally threatened.


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