H Glossary of bird terms

also, hind toe; first digit. specialized types: incumbent , elevated. bird s rear facing toe; hind toe. when attached near base of metatarsus termed incumbent, , when projecting higher portion of metatarsus (as in rails) termed elevated. hallux bird s first digit, in many birds being sole rear facing toe (including in passerine species have anisodactylous feet) , homologous human big toe.
home range
also defined herewith: territory. area of land in bird performs of activities. when area guarded (in whole or in part) individuals of same species called territory. size of home range can affected food bird eats , how bird weighs. birds weigh more have larger ranges, , carnivores on average have larger ranges non-carnivores.
humphrey-parkes terminology

a system of nomenclature plumage of birds proposed in 1959 philip s. humphrey , kenneth c. parkes make terminology describing bird plumages more uniform. examples of humphrey-parkes terminology versus traditional terminology may seen in entries prealternate moult , prebasic moult.


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