Classical music Violin

a sonata 2 violins baroque composer telemann. relatively typical baroque violin composition, have been performed less use of vibrato originally.

mischa elman playing meditation massenet s opera thais, recorded in 1919. legato style of playing, lavish use of portamento, rubato , vibrato , higher registers of instrument typical of violin playing in late romantic period.

since baroque era, violin has been 1 of important of instruments in classical music, several reasons. tone of violin stands out above other instruments, making appropriate playing melody line. in hands of player, violin extremely agile, , can execute rapid , difficult sequences of notes.

violins make large part of orchestra, , divided 2 sections, known first , second violins. composers assign melody first violins, typically more difficult part using higher positions, while second violins play harmony, accompaniment patterns or melody octave lower first violins. string quartet has parts first , second violins, viola part, , bass instrument, such cello or, rarely, double bass.


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