Points of interest Pułtusk

collegiate church of annunciation in pułtusk

the polonia castle

currently pułtusk 1 of picturesque towns of masovia. located on narew river, 1 of popular weekend places inhabitants of warsaw. points of interest include:

collegiate church of annunciation
small gothic church unique renaissance stuccos
the old town market (reputedly longest market square in europe)
town hall
polonia castle (now hotel named dom polonii)
ogródek jordanowski, 1 of first children playgrounds in poland
monument murdered jewish residents of pułtusk. population of pułtusk included approximately 9,000 jews in 1939 before holocaust in poland
soviet military cemetery

^ (in polish) nasze miasto - pułtusk (history of pułtusk), pułtusk academy of humanities (akademia humanistyczna im. aleksandra gieysztora in pułtusk)


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