History Dunedin Southern Motorway

the dunedin southern motorway snakes way south past burnside , green island

the motorway constructed in number of sections.

the first section completed in 1972 , bypassed suburb of green island.this section began @ southern end of kaikorai valley road @ burnside, , travelled south 2.5 kilometres, dividing green island abbotsford. ended @ southern end of green island, , connected main south road through fairfield. construction of section of motorway considered people have been causal factor of abbotsford landslide in 1979. around same time, construction began on section traversing saddle hill, mosgiel fairfield. earthworks undertaken allow construction of four-lane motorway northbound , southbound slip lanes extending future interchange sh87 @ mosgiel. @ time road constructed 2 lanes , northbound passing lane northward sh1/sh87 intersection.

the second section short 700-metre section of four-lane dual carriageway completed in 1978. extended southwards andersons bay intersection, across king edward street on twin bridges connect south road near glen.

the 1980s saw extension of motorway south glen barnes drive, bypassing caversham. due funding constraints section built single two-lane carriageway, albeit no intersections.

sh1 barnes drive lookout point upgraded addition of second northbound lane, giving 4 lanes in total. aberfeldy street limited left in/left out intersection.

in 1987, due high accident , congestion problems, at-grade intersection sh87 @ mosgiel upgraded full diamond interchange. under severe funding constraints sh87 bridge built accommodate 2 lanes of sh1 travelling underneath, make widening of sh1 @ point more costly.

in 1989-1990 green island motorway extended northwards calton hill past burnside freezing works re-connect sh1 @ lookout point.

a major extension completed in 2003 when 4.5-km fairfield bypass opened. connected southern terminus of green island motorway northern end of saddle hill section of sh1. there several delays in construction of stretch due presence of mine workings created major difficulties in stabilisation of land along route. saddle hill section upgraded @ time four-lane divided motorway take advantage of preparatory earthworks completed in 1960s.

the completion of fairfield section meant sh1 uninterrupted four-lane divided motorway lookout point sh87 interchange. of 2010 construction underway widen northbound route north of saddle hill saddle.


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