Collision Course List of Ice Age characters

1 collision course

1.1 shangri llama
1.2 teddy
1.3 francine
1.4 neil debuck weasel
1.5 bubbles , misty

collision course
shangri llama

shangri llama spiritual leader of geotopia. flexible, , loves yoga. personality laid back, can stressed out.



francine fair-and-square, high-pitched voiced ground sloth , sid ex-girlfriend.

when sid attempts propose her, unlikely turns down offer, leaving him confused , rejected.

neil debuck weasel

neil debuck weasel space astronomer weasel helps herd in searching way stop coming extinction . acts narrator of entire film , fourth wall breaker. based on real live astronomer neil degrasse tyson, play voice , served scientific consultant movie.

bubbles , misty

bubbles , misty minicorns reside in geotopia.


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