Famous works Sui Jianguo

1 famous works

1.1 earth force
1.2 mao jackets
1.3 red dinosaurs
1.4 made in china
1.5 limited motion

famous works

while sui jianguo prolific artist, of works have stood out. not have these allowed sui become prominent contemporary chinese artist, grant viewers insight mind , opinions.

earth force

earth force 1 of sui s earlier works , came mind in 1987. inspiration came when experimenting conceptual , symbolic aspects of materials , mediums. need experiment rocks came after tiananmen square; during stage sui began working more quiet materials. earth force consists of twenty 100 kg boulders. each boulder entangled in web of ribbed steel. final work presented in beijing in 1992.

mao jackets

sui jianguo s mao jackets perhaps iconic work. sui began thinking of mao suit or sun yat sen suit when visited birthplace of sun yat sen in august 1996. finished product emerged year later when sui in australia fellowship. “scholarly discussion” credited yielding first outlines or frame of suit.

while there several representations of these jackets, of them hollow sculpture of mao suit. sue wang states “utilizing various forms , sizes simultaneously release excitement , inhibition associated object, artist used satirical approach express conflict between escape , repression”.

the mao suit representative of sui’s strong ties china’s maoist past. during cultural revolution sui , many other chinese influenced mao’s cult of personality. sui goes further detail, stating “mao virtually god @ home”. empty, hollow suits seen symbols of mao’s empty promises. sui stresses suits not criticism more of medium convey ideas , emotions maoist past. upon completion of project sui felt had reached type of resolution. sui claimed, “i’m putting him rest. way can grow up”.

red dinosaurs

sui’s red dinosaurs or jurassic age series have become trademark of work. these dinosaurs focus more on china’s recent exporting nature, allowing sui evaluate contemporary chinese export culture. according 798 art district, “made in china” stamped on several of dinosaurs midsection “relates directly topics on economical relations”. sui intends cause audience consider making product, going, , why. sui cages dinosaurs. when asked this, sui stated suggesting china’s economic expanse in ways not china, environment , human life... don t want him continue getting bigger .

the dinosaurs made out of fiberglass , can stand 310 cm tall.

made in china

sui’s made in china series revolves around china’s new identity world producing power. works banners stating made in china .

limited motion

some of sui’s recent work has been on limited motion series. limited motion created in order express feelings of “imprisonment” felt sui jianguo. series of works made debut in 2011 , shown in museum beelden aan zee in hague.

for series sui creates steel structures house steel spheres. these spheres able move due internal motor. seen previous works, works in series vary in size shape. example, 1 of limited motions housed in cage, , housed in box. in grander scope of work, however, crucial details manifest in project allow artist share feelings , intentions via artwork. first of these details solid unrelenting structures themselves. harsh exterior perhaps refers oppressive stance chinese government has on censorship. exterior shells weathered, perhaps indicating attempts made upon structure weaken or tear down, yet still see standing in place.


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