Squirrels.2C chipmunks.2C and marmots.2C family Sciuridae List of mammals of New England


distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: marmota monax canadensis (northern maine, northern vermont), marmota monax rufescens (extreme western maine, northern , southwestern new hampshire, north central , southern vermont, western massachusetts, , southwestern connecticut)), , marmota monax preblorum (central , southern maine, central , southeastern new hampshire, west central vermont, eastern massachusetts, northwestern connecticut, , rhode island) according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) argue m. m. canadensis , m. m. rufescens, , m. m. preblorum not valid subspecies , should synonymized marmota monax monax. thorrington , hoffman (2005), however, recognize m. m. canadensis , m. m. rufescens, not m. m. preblorum, valid subspecies.

eastern gray squirrel, sciurus carolinensis

eastern gray squirrel

distribution: central , southern maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: sciurus carolinensis pennsylvanicus according hall (1981) , thorrington , hoffman (2005). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize s. c. pennsylvanicus distinct sciurus carolinensis.

fox squirrel, sciurus niger (extirpated/vagrant)

distribution: formerly western connecticut. may vagrant in western vermont , western massachusetts.

american red squirrel, tamiasciurus hudsonicus

american red squirrel

distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: tamiasciurus hudsonicus gymnicus (maine, southeasternmost new hampshire, central , western vermont) , tamiasciurus hudsonicus loquax (western vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island) according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) argue both t. h. gymnicus , t. h. loquax not valid subspecies , should synonymized tamiasciurus hudsonicus hudsonicus. thorrington , hoffman (2005), however, recognize both t. h. gymnicus , t. h. loquax valid subspecies.

northern flying squirrel, glaucomys sabrinus

northern flying squirrel.

distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, western , central massachusetts, , northwestern connecticut.
subspecies: glaucomys sabrinus macrotis according hall (1981) , thorrington , hoffman (2005). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize g. s. macrotis distinct glaucomys sabrinus sabrinus.

southern flying squirrel, glaucomys volans

southern flying squirrel.

distribution: southern maine, northernmost new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: glaucomys volans volans according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).


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