Second attempt: Doctrine of one will Monothelitism

yet sergius , emperor refused give up. 3 years later patriarch came modified formula, heraclius released ecthesis in 638. edict considered official response sophronius letter. forbade mention of christ possessing 1 or 2 energies; instead, proclaimed christ, while possessing 2 natures, had single will. approach seemed more acceptable compromise, , once again secured widespread support throughout east. sophronius had died before release of new doctrine, , replacement bishop sergius of jaffa patriarch abraham of jerusalem approved modified formula. patriarch sergius died end of 638, , replacement pyrrhus devoted monothelite , close friend of heraclius. 2 remaining patriarchs in east gave approval doctrine referred monothelitism, , looked if heraclius heal divisions in imperial church.

unfortunately had not counted on popes @ rome. during same year of 638, pope honorius had died. successor pope severinus (640) condemned ecthesis outright, , forbidden seat until 640. successor pope john iv (640–42) rejected doctrine completely, leading major schism between eastern , western halves of chalcedonian church. when news reached heraclius of pope’s condemnation, old , ill, , news hastened death, declaring dying breath controversy due sergius, , patriarch had pressured him give unwilling approval ecthesis.


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