Official status reviews Tariq al-Sawah

1 official status reviews

1.1 office administrative review of detained enemy combatants
1.2 habeas corpus petition
1.3 formerly secret joint task force guantanamo assessment
1.4 joint review task force

official status reviews

originally bush presidency asserted captives apprehended in war on terror not covered geneva conventions, , held indefinitely, without charge, , without open , transparent review of justifications detention. in 2004 united states supreme court ruled, in rasul v. bush, guantanamo captives entitled being informed of allegations justifying detention, , entitled try refute them.

office administrative review of detained enemy combatants

following supreme court s ruling department of defense set office administrative review of detained enemy combatants.

scholars @ brookings institution, led benjamin wittes, listed captives still held in guantanamo in december 2008, according whether detention justified common allegations:

tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah listed 1 of captives military alleges ... members of al qaeda.
tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah listed 1 of captives military alleges ... traveled afghanistan jihad.
tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah listed 1 of captives military alleges ... took military or terrorist training in afghanistan.
tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah listed 1 of captives foreign fighter.
tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah listed 1 of 36 [captives who] openly admit either membership or significant association al qaeda, taliban, or other group government considers militarily hostile united states.
tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah listed 1 of captives had admitted fighting on behalf of al qaeda or taliban.

however, el-sawah has long denied ever member of al qaeda, traveled afghanistan jihad, took part in terrorist training, hostile towards united states, or fought on behalf of al-qaeda.

habeas corpus petition

al sawah had writ of habeas corpus filed on behalf in june 2005.

formerly secret joint task force guantanamo assessment

on april 25, 2011, whistleblower organization wikileaks published formerly secret assessments drafted joint task force guantanamo analysts. joint task force guantanamo drafted fourteen-page assessment of al sawah, dated september 30, 2008. memo signed camp commandant david m. thomas jr. , recommended transfer out of dod control.

joint review task force

when assumed office in january 2009 president barack obama made number of promises future of guantanamo. promised use of torture cease @ camp. promised institute new review system. new review system composed of officials 6 departments, oardec reviews conducted entirely department of defense. when reported back, year later, joint review task force classified individuals dangerous transferred guantanamo, though there no evidence justify laying charges against them. on april 9, 2013, document made public after freedom of information act request. tariq mahmoud ahmed al sawah 1 of 71 individuals deemed innocent charge, dangerous release.

although obama promised deemed innocent charge, dangerous release start receive reviews periodic review board less quarter of men have received review.


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