Legacy Jack Kemp

kemp speaks @ national press club in 2006.

his legacy includes kemp–roth tax cut of 1980s, known first of 2 reagan tax cuts. these served foundation of supply-side economics, known reaganomics. many republicans have endorsed laffer curve view tax cuts spur economic growth , reduce deficits. although george h. w. bush called philosophy voodoo economics, george w. bush , treasury secretary, john w. snow, believers. kemp remembered alongside george wallace , william jennings bryan influencing history changing direction of presidential elections despite defeats.

in 21st century, kemp continued considered along reagan politician responsible implementation of supply-side tax cuts , along steve forbes political figure responsible continued place in marketplace of political ideas. has been described beacon of economic conservatism , hero urban agenda. today, continues described hero fiscal conservatives believe free markets , low taxes work better government bureaucracies. kemp considered leader of progressive conservatives adhere hard right on social issues, avoid protectionist fiscal , trade policy.

in addition roth, has had numerous political allies. @ times, collaborated gingrich , lott on deregulation , tax cuts, collaborated mccain , phil gramm on tax cuts , spending restraints, legislated , campaigned joseph lieberman, , fought poverty james pinkerton. pete du pont progressive conservative ally. after retiring congress , serving in cabinet, kemp remained close gingrich, lott, weber, , mack. kemp member of federal committee promote martin luther king jr. day national holiday. progressive voter, had civil rights leaders such benjamin hooks, andrew young , coretta scott king , conservative black intellectuals glenn c. loury , robert l. woodson supporters , friends. boasted of having democratic friends such william h. gray iii, charles b. rangel , robert garcia. ken blackwell deputy secretary under kemp. during reagan presidency, when kemp able effect tax cutting, leading united states senate tax-cutting proponent democrat bill bradley, former basketball star. several american football players have followed kemp congress: steve largent, j. c. watts, , heath shuler.

congressman paul ryan cites kemp mentor, , mentioned him in acceptance speech republican vice-presidential nominee in 2012.

senator arlen specter in severe rebuke of federal governmental policy, stated 1 day after kemp died of cancer, kemp still alive if federal government had done better job funding cancer research.


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