Economy Arunachal Pradesh

the chart below displays trend of gross state domestic product of arunachal pradesh @ market prices ministry of statistics , programme implementation figures in billions of indian rupees.

arunachal pradesh s gross state domestic product estimated @ us$706 million @ current prices in 2004 , us$1.75 billion @ current prices in 2012. agriculture drives economy. jhum, local term used shifting cultivation being practised among tribal groups, though owing gradual growth of other sources of income in recent years, not being practised prominently earlier. arunachal pradesh has close 61,000 square kilometres of forests, , forest products next significant sector of economy. among crops grown here rice, maize, millet, wheat, pulses, sugarcane, ginger, , oilseeds. arunachal ideal horticulture , fruit orchards. major industries rice mills, fruit preservation , processing units, , handloom handicrafts. sawmills , plywood trades prohibited under law. there many saw mills in ap.

arunachal pradesh accounts large percentage share of india s untapped hydroelectric potential. in 2008, government of arunachal pradesh signed numerous memorandum of understanding various companies planning 42 hydroelectric schemes produce electricity in excess of 27,000 mw. construction of upper siang hydroelectric project, expected generate between 10,000 , 12,000 mw, began in april 2009.


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