Dogs.2C family Canidae List of mammals of New England


distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: canis latrans thamnos according hall (1981). wozencraft (2005) recognizes c. l. thanos valid subspecies. whitaker , hamilton (1998) recognize new england canis latrans canis latrans latrans.

gray wolf canis lupus (extirpated)

distribution (before extirpation): maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island. there populations in upstate new york , vermont
subspecies (before extirpation): canis lupus lycaon according hall (1981) , whitaker , hamilton (1998).
status: federally endangered (whitaker , hamilton, 1998).

domestic dog, canis familiaris (introduced)

distribution: domestic dogs can become feral or semi-feral throughout new england.

red fox, vulpes vulpes

red fox

distribution: maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island.
subspecies: vulpes vulpes rubricosa (northern maine) , vulpes vulpes fulva (southern maine, new hampshire, vermont, massachusetts, connecticut, , rhode island) according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize v. v. rubricosa valid , recognize new england vulpes vulpes v. v. fulva. wozencraft (2005), however, recognize v. v. rubricosa valid subspecies.

gray fox, urocyon cinereoargenteus

gray fox

distribution: southern maine, new hampshire, vermont, extreme southeastern massachusetts, southeastern connecticut, , northern rhode island.
subspecies: urocyon cinereoargenteus borealis (maine, new hampshire, vermont, , central massachusetts) , urocyon cinereoargenteus cinereoargenteus (all southeastern connecticut, eastern massachusetts, , northern rhode island) according hall (1981). whitaker , hamilton (1998) not recognize u. c. borealis valid , recognize new england urocyon cinereoargenteus u. c. cinereoargenteus. wozencraft (2005), however, recognize u. c. borealis valid subspecies.


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