Biography Jean-Marie-Rodrigue Villeneuve

1 biography

1.1 life , ordination
1.2 professor
1.3 bishop , archbishop
1.4 cardinal
1.5 later life , death

early life , ordination

jean-marie-rodrigue villeneuve born in montreal, 1 of 3 children of shoemaker. completed secondary studies @ mont-saint-louis, obtained diploma in science , commerce, in 1900. after teaching @ school in dorval, villeneuve entered oblates of mary immaculate on august 14, 1901, in lachine. professed final vows on september 8, 1903, , ordained priesthood archbishop joseph-thomas duhamel on may 25, 1907. while pursuing doctoral studies @ university of ottawa, villeneuve taught philosophy (1907–1913) , moral theology (1913–1920) @ oblate scholasticate in ottawa. served professor of canon law, liturgy, spirituality, , ecclesiastical history, , dean of theology @ scholasticate.


from university of ottawa, earned doctorate in philosophy (1919), doctorate in theology (1922), , doctorate in canon law (1930). villeneuve founded school of superior ecclesiastical studies, made titular professor of canon law, in 1928. in 1929, returned university of ottawa, time head canon law faculty. active in labor unions, civil rights, , contributed le droit.

bishop , archbishop

on july 3, 1930, villeneuve appointed first bishop of gravelbourg pope pius xi. received episcopal consecration on following september 11 archbishop joseph-guillaume-laurent forbes, bishops louis rhéaume, omi, , joseph guy, omi, serving co-consecrators, in cathedral of ottawa. villeneuve later named archbishop of quebec on december 11, 1931.


pius xi created him cardinal-priest of s. maria degli angeli in consistory of march 13, 1933. commenting on elevation, villeneuve said, not feel @ worthy, sovereign pontiff calls me , go. canadian primate 1 of cardinal electors participated in 1939 papal conclave, @ himself considered papabile, selected pope pius xii.

later life , death

villeneuve stricken heart attack on july 7, 1946, while returning Île-à-la-crosse, had taken part in celebrations centennial of order. after being hospitalized @ hôtel-dieu de québec, left quebec united states, misericordia hospital in manhattan, on following october 4 medical treatment, having yet crisis on october 14.

seeking milder climate, arrived @ convent in alhambra, california, on january 14, 1947. 3 days later, cardinal stopped private secretary during beginning of latter s mass, sensing death imminent. died within hour, @ 7:50 a.m., aged 63.

upon body s return canada, flags set @ half-staff. on january 24, cardinal james charles mcguigan celebrated funeral mass, @ which, according villeneuve s will, there no eulogy gregorian music. buried in cathedral-basilica of quebec.


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