The Rockers The Rockers

1 rockers

1.1 world wrestling federation (1988–1992)

1.1.1 tag team title controversy
1.1.2 break , beyond

the rockers
world wrestling federation (1988–1992)

shortly after leaving awa, jannetty , michaels contacted wwf owner vince mcmahon informing them willing bring them if able more professional time round. end of may team working wwf under shortened name rockers. officially made television debut on june 18, 1988 edition of wwf superstars of wrestling in squash match. rockers made pay-per-view (ppv) debut @ 1988 survivor series part of 10 team tag match. eliminated bolsheviks match before being eliminated double-disqualification in brawl brain busters. brawl between rockers , brain busters led match taped wwf superstars of wrestling both teams disqualified once again, time before match start. led series of house show matches between 2 teams, series of matches drew rave reviews fans. 1 match in particular on january 23, 1989 rated 1 of 50 greatest matches in pwi 10th year anniversary issue. brain busters narrowly defeated rockers, anderson held down marty jannetty s leg blanchard pinned him. feud continued rage on clashed @ saturday s night main event in match saw both teams counted out brawling on floor.

they competed against twin towers, akeem , big boss man, @ wrestlemania v. according michaels autobiography, nursing severe hangover in hours before match. in spring 1989, rockers started storyline fabulous rougeau brothers kicked off underhanded attack on michaels during match. rougeaus assaulted michaels manager jimmy hart’s megaphone , drew blood. storyline put rockers issues brain busters on burners while rockers , rougeaus fought. issue between rockers , rougeaus storyline reason introducing “iron man match” wwf. despite wrestling 5 iron man matches against each other none of matches ever televised or released on commercial tape. on august 28, 1989, rockers/rougeau feud made ppv rougeaus teamed rick martel defeat rockers , tito santana @ summerslam.

in late 1989, rockers , brain busters resumed feud after brain busters lost wwf tag team championship demolition. on november 23, rockers faced arn anderson part of 4-on-4 elimination matches @ survivor series. prior match, tully blanchard had failed drug test , fired, forcing manager bobby heenan wrestle in place. rockers , brain busters had 1 last match @ saturday night s main event defeated brain busters 2 falls 1. after match, bobby heenan fired team in backstage segment explain why team disappeared wwf.

in december 1989, rockers feuded powers of pain until february 1990.

in april 1990, rockers faced new competition in form of pat tanaka , akio sato, newly signed team known orient express. 2 teams kicked off prolonged feud started @ wrestlemania vi , continued off , on on year. when sato decided leave american wrestling scene in december 1990, wwf decided team tanaka former partner paul diamond under mask. tanaka , diamond had teamed badd company , won awa tag team championship rockers. rockers , orient express had high profile, high flying match @ royal rumble.

tag team title controversy

by current wwe records, rockers never officially held wwf tag team championship, on october 30, 1990, jannetty , michaels did defeat reigning champions hart foundation in 2 out of 3 falls match in fort wayne, indiana seemingly win title. wwe (wwf) has never officially recognized rockers champion status. during match, top rope broke accident making match disjointed affair require serious clean before shown on tv. rockers defended wwf tag team title against power , glory (paul roma , hercules) on november 3, 1990. shortly after november 3, decided not air title change , title revert hart foundation. in book, michaels claims hart foundation had politicked keep title. michaels claim contradicted other claims wwf had fired jim neidhart forcing title change, after match, 2 sides came agreement, , neidhart brought back. rockers never officially credited title win, footage match shown prior jannetty’s wwf return in 1995. match can seen in entirety on dvd shawn michaels story: heartbreak & triumph. because never aired, match not clipped , shown in full no commentary; edit being after second fall when ring crew arrived reattach broken rope.

break , beyond

after teaming since 1985, rockers split in december 1991 after backstage disputes. exact nature of dispute has not been confirmed wwf other monetary issue lead jannetty quitting wwf on behalf of both rockers. according michaels s book, jannetty had claimed world championship wrestling willing give them high guaranteed contract when michaels inquired it, turned out exaggeration. jannetty disputes saying michaels driving force suggesting quit wwf, had jannetty phone call ask release contract. when vince mcmahon agreed let them go michaels appeared shocked according him, , later went mcmahon unbeknownst him explain jannetty s idea , had no intention of leaving wwf himself. after cooler heads prevailed decided rockers should split michaels turning heel feud jannetty. jannetty not happy team splitting, while michaels not wait work singles wrestler.

on screen there no mention of went on backstage, instead michaels , jannetty started show signs of dissension. during singles match between michaels , ric flair, jannetty rolled shawn ring pinned. michaels took jannetty costing him match instead of helping out (though storyline). @ 1991 survivor series jannetty caused michaels eliminated accidentally slamming 1 of nasty boys him after rockers argued. after buildup, rockers wrestled 1 last match on television, title shot @ legion of doom rockers lost after jannetty , michaels argued on blame.

a dvd on heartbreak , triumph, , in michaels s autobiography of same, titled rockers fight reveals got legit fight in may 1991 instigated roddy piper. incident according michaels happened boys intoxicated, piper, drunk, started talking how michaels greater competitor in business, future of business. piper stated, michaels had had great future in business , michaels had talent . jannetty, believing insult him challenged shawn fight shawn declined. marty however, not take no answer , attacked michaels started fight. piper pulled 2 apart, , michaels passed out right after, , wouldn t come until next day. story, told jannetty, reveals police called scene , arrested jannetty. arresting him though, randy savage stepped in , prevented him going jail telling police part of storyline though in reality did not know cause of fight in first place. michaels quit wwf on incident, , jannetty believes incident 1 of factors in wwf s decision break rockers.

the final split came on brutus beefcake’s barbershop (taped on december 2, 1991, , shown on january 12, 1992) beefcake interviewed rockers recent problems. after seemingly working problems, michaels superkicked jannetty, before sending him through glass window of barbershop set. michaels proceeded rip full page picture of group in half, signifying separation. turn had desired effect of making michaels hated heel since wwf agreed let jannetty blade (make himself bleed) after being thrown through window, not prevalent in 1991. prevented jannetty entering royal rumble in 1992.


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