In other media Thinker (DC Comics)

neil sandilands clifford devoe / thinker in flash.

the clifford devoe version of thinker has non-voiced appearance in justice league unlimited. in flash , substance , member of gorilla grodd s secret society.
the clifford devoe version of thinker appears in batman: brave , bold. seen in episode sword of atom .
the clifford devoe version of thinker appears main antagonist of fourth season of live-action television series flash, portrayed neil sandilands. version of devoe dressed in black, thinking cap connected wires floating hoverchair. character s appearance foreshadowed in third season abra kadabra , savitar, kadabra being foe face barry in past , barry s future , savitar being corrupted future version of barry. devoe has assistant known mechanic. devoe orchestrated release of barry allen/the flash speed force using samuroid threaten city, forcing team flash find way rescue barry. uses same samuroid test flash. searching twelve metahumans created when flash returned speed force, rift barry created returned earth exposing twelve random people on bus dark matter energy, , has been spying on both team flash iron heights. 1 hired ralph dibny, 1 of twelve new metahumans, investigate central city s mayor, leading ralph ally barry , team flash. when team flash track down devoe s house, revealed partner wife marlize , devoe in wheelchair. origins revealed in therefore . clifford devoe mild-mannered professor dreamed of expanding way people think, starting himself , asked marlize create thinking cap realize said dream together. however, when device finished, required unknown source of self-renewing energy; particle accelerator of harrison wells able provide it, , 2 attended preceding press conference. while marlize waited in van, devoe waited outside , struck lightning while wearing cap, briefly knocking him out. began developing high intellect before being diagnosed advanced form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. marlize developed signature hoverchair in order delay effects of clifford s affliction, , later on further cybernetic enhancements, turning him cyborg in process. in present, devoe still professor @ central city university, though time barry had begun suspecting him council of wells . devoe , marlize pressed accusation against barry, caused suspension; however, barry confronted devoe after lecture, super-genius reveals true identity , fact knows barry flash. after reconvening wife @ home, decides not interfere barry s wedding iris west, since without own wife not continue live.


the ai version of thinker featured in issue #2 of comic adaption of batman: brave , bold.

^ flash : tom felton not returning series regular . ew. 25 july 2017. retrieved 27 july 2017. 


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