Hadith Jihad

ali , hamza in single combat @ battle of badr, siyer-i nabi, circa 1594

the context of quran elucidated hadith (the teachings, deeds , sayings of islamic prophet muhammad). of 199 references jihad in perhaps standard collection of hadith—bukhari—all assume jihad means warfare.

among reported saying of islamic prophet muhammad involving jihad are

the best jihad word of justice in front of oppressive sultan.


the messenger of allah asked best jihad. said: best jihad 1 in horse slain , blood spilled.

ibn nuhaas cited hadith musnad ahmad ibn hanbal, muhammad states highest kind of jihad person killed whilst spilling last of blood (ahmed 4/144).

according hadith, supporting one’s parents example of jihad. has been reported muhammad considered well-performing hajj best jihad muslim women.


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