Famous works Tato Laviera

1 famous works

1.1 la carreta made u-turn (houston: arte público press, 1979)
1.2 amerícan (houston: arte público press, 1999)
1.3 enclave (houston: arte público press, 1985)
1.4 mainstream ethics-etica corriente (houston: arte público press, 1988)
1.5 mixturao , other poems (houston: arte público press, 2008–09)

famous works
la carreta made u-turn (houston: arte público press, 1979)

this first major book of poetry , response rené marques la carreta in details story of family ends returning puerto rico after migrating united states in search of more opportunities , better life instead faced disheartening reality. laviera disputes view , instead picks marques left off , portrays more accurate story of puerto rican migrant in not return homeland, based on historical data. la carreta made u-turn extremely successful , received readers. in fact, shortly after publication laviera invited president jimmy carter event @ white house distinguished american poets.

amerícan (houston: arte público press, 1999)

in poem, laviera redefines nationality , takes pride in being both puerto rican , american living in united states. establishes new identity, called amerícan harmonious blend of 2 composed of mainland , island traditions. tato uses pronoun signify collective experience of multiculturalism entire generation of puerto rican-americans.

enclave (houston: arte público press, 1985)
mainstream ethics-etica corriente (houston: arte público press, 1988)
mixturao , other poems (houston: arte público press, 2008–09)


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