Academic achievement Pittston Area School District

1 academic achievement

1.1 graduation rate
1.2 graduation requirements
1.3 high school

1.3.1 college remediation
1.3.2 dual enrollment

1.4 middle school
1.5 elementary schools

academic achievement

pittston area school district ranked 200th out of 498 pennsylvania school districts in 2011 pittsburgh business times. ranking based on student academic performance based on pssas for: reading, writing, math , 2 years of science.

2010 - 191st
2009 - 223rd
2008 - 245th
2007 - 254th out of 501 pennsylvania school districts.

in 2009, academic achievement of pupils in district in 54th percentile among pennsylvanian s 500 school districts. scale (0-99; 100 state best)

in 2007, student achievement @ pittston area school district ranked 3rd among luzerne county public school districts. @ pasd, 91% of students on grade level in mathematics, while 87% on grade level in reading. in county, 87% of pupils on grade level in mathematics , 87% on grade level reading. wyoming area school district had highest achievement 94% of students on grade level in both mathematics , reading.

graduation rate

in 2010, pennsylvania department of education issued new, 4-year cohort graduation rate. pittston area high school s rate 94% 2010.

according traditional graduation rate calculations:

2010 - 97%
2009 - 95%
2008 - 93%
2007 - 93%

graduation requirements

in order graduate pittston area high school, student must complete 21.4 credits include: 4 credits of english, 4 credits of social studies, 4 credits of mathematics, 4 credits of science, 2 credits of language, 2 credits of electives , 1.4 credits of health & physical education.

by law, pennsylvania secondary school students must complete graduation project part of eligibility graduate high school. type of project, rigor, , expectations set individual school district. @ pittston area high school project focuses on career exploration.

beginning class of 2016, students must take keystone exams in literature, biology 1 , algebra 1.

high school


11th grade reading

2010 - 66% on grade level (16% below basic). in pennsylvania, 66% of 11th graders on grade level.
2009 - 77% (10% below basic), state - 65%
2008 - 68% (17% below basic), state - 65%
2007 - 71% (14% below basic), state - 65%

11th grade math:

2010 - 62%, on grade level (24% below basic). in pennsylvania, 59% of 11th graders on grade level.
2009 - 69% (16% below basic), state - 56%.
2008 - 57% (20% below basic), state - 56%
2007 - 60% (20% below basic), state - 53%

11th grade science:

2010 - 43% on grade level (17% below basic). state - 39% of 11th graders on grade level.
2009 - 51% (12% below basic), state - 40%
2008 - 38%, state - 39%

in 2010, institute public policy , economic development reported pittston area school district had second largest percentage of 11th grade students scoring advanced in science achievement - 22.7%, among luzerne county school districts on 2009 pssas.

college remediation

according pennsylvania department of education study released in january 2009, 21% of pittston area high school graduates required remediation in mathematics , or reading before prepared take college level courses in pennsylvania state system of higher education or community colleges. less 66% of pennsylvania high school graduates, enroll in four-year college in pennsylvania, earn bachelor s degree within 6 years. among pennsylvania high school graduates pursuing associate degree, 1 in 3 graduate in 3 years. per pennsylvania department of education, 1 in 3 recent high school graduates attend pennsylvania s public universities , community colleges takes @ least 1 remedial course in math, reading or english or spanish.

dual enrollment

the high school had offered dual enrollment program. state-funded program permits high school students take courses, @ local higher education institutions, earn college credits. students remain enrolled @ high school. courses count towards high school graduation requirements , towards earning college degree. students continue have full access activities @ high school. college credits offered @ discounted rate. state offers small grant assist students in costs tuition, fees , books. under pennsylvania transfer , articulation agreement, many pennsylvania colleges , universities accept these credits students transfer institutions. pennsylvania college credit transfer system reported in 2009, students saved $35.4 million having transferred credits count towards degree under new system.

for 2008-09 funding year, school district received state grant of $29,558 dual enrollment program.

pittston area senior high school no longer offers dual enrollment program. students may take selected courses offered luzerne county community college periodically; however, classes limited , students must pay out-of-pocket. administration recognizes option being different dual enrollment , has refused pursue program 2015-2016 school year.

middle school

8th grade reading

2010 - 89% on grade level (34% advanced). in pennsylvania, 81% of 8th graders on grade level.
2009 - 85% (63% advanced), state - 80%
2008 - 83% (57% advanced), state - 78%
2007 - 76% (48% advanced), state - 75%

8th grade math:

2010 - 88% on grade level (63% advanced). in pennsylvania, 75% of 8th graders on grade level.
2009 - 81% (52% advanced), state - 71%
2008 - 76% (45% advanced), state - 70%
2007 - 72% (41% advanced), state - 68%

8th grade science:

2010 - 67% on grade level (15% below basic). state - 57% of 8th graders on grade level.
2009 - 63% (26% below basic), state - 55%
2008 - 65%, state - 52%

in 2010, institute public policy , economic development reported pittston area school district had fifth largest percentage of 8th grade students scoring advanced in science achievement - 25.7%, among luzerne county school districts on 2009 pssas.

7th grade reading

2010 - 76% on grade level (44% advanced). in pennsylvania, 73% of 7th graders on grade level.
2009 - 74% (38% advanced), state - 71%
2008 - 77% (42% advanced), state - 70%
2007 - 76% (43% advanced), state - 67%

7th grade math:

2010 - 87% on grade level (62% advanced). in pennsylvania, 77% of 7th graders on grade level.
2009 - 83% (57% advanced), state - 75%
2008 - 83% (53% advanced), state - 71%
2007 - 80% (54% advanced), state - 67%

6th grade reading

2010 - 70% on grade level (18% below basic). in pennsylvania, 68% of 6th graders on grade level.
2009 - 70% (11% below basic), state - 67%
2008 - 71% (14% below basic), state - 67%
2007 - 64% (17% below basic), state - 63%

6th grade math:

2010 - 74% on grade level (47% advanced). in pennsylvania, 78% of 6th graders on grade level.
2009 - 77% (50% advanced), state - 75%
2008 - 76% (54% advanced), state - 72%
2007 - 76% (45% advanced), state - 69%

elementary schools

intermediate center (3rd-5th) report card 2010 [1]
primary center report card 2010 (1st-2nd) [2]
kindergarten center

^ pittsburgh business times (april 2011). statewide honor roll . 
^ pittsburgh business times (may 1, 2010). statewide honor roll . 
^ 3 of top school districts in state hail allegheny county, . pittsburgh business times,. may 23, 2007. 
^ morning call (2009). pittston area school district 2009 pssa results . 
^ lackawanna , luzerne indicators report - education, institute, may 2009
^ pennsylvania department of education (march 15, 2011). new 4-year cohort graduation rate calculation being implemented . 
^ pennsylvania department of education (2010). pittston area school district report card 2010 data table . 
^ times tribune (june 2009). pittston area school district academic achievement report card 2008 . 
^ pennsylvania partnership children, 2008. pennsylvania high school graduation rates report, . 
^ pittston area school district administration (2011). student handbook - graduation requirements (pdf). 
^ pennsylvania state board of education. pennsylvania code §4.24 (a) high school graduation requirements . 
^ pittston area school district administration (2007). pittston area school district educational strategic plan . 
^ pennsylvania department of education (2011). pennsylvania s new graduation requirements . 
^ pennsylvania department of education (2010). 2009-2010 pssa , ayp results . 
^ times-tribune. (2009). grading our schools database, 2009 pssa results, . 
^ pennsylvania department of education (2007). pssa math , reading results . 
^ pennsylvania department of education (march 2011). pittston area high school academic achievement report card 2010 (pdf). 
^ times-tribune. (2009). grading our schools database, 2009 science pssa results, . 
^ institute public policy , economic development (march 2010). luzerne county school science assessment report 2010 (pdf). 
^ pennsylvania department of education (january 2009). pennsylvania college remediation report . 
^ national center education statistics
^ pennsylvania department of education (2010). dual enrollment guidelines . 
^ pennsylvania transfer , articulation agreement. site accessed march 2010.
^ pennsylvania department of education. (april 29, 2010). report: pa college credit transfer system makes higher education more affordable, accessible, . 
^ rep mike carroll press release (august 4, 2008). carroll announces $344,896 in grants local school districts . 
^ pennsylvania department of education (august 2008). reading , math pssa 2008 schools . 
^ pennsylvania department of education report (september 14, 2010). 2010 pssas: reading, math, writing , science results . 
^ 2009 pssas: reading, math, writing , science results pennsylvania department of education report
^ pennsylvania department of education report (august 2009). science pssa 2009 schools . 
^ pennsylvania department of education report (august 2008). science pssa 2008 schools . 


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