2008 federal election Stéphane Dion

dion makes speech on 10 october 2008, in brampton west. former prime minister jean chrétien, seen here standing behind dion, among notable liberals @ rally.

in 2008, part of measure cutting greenhouse emissions, dion called carbon price. praised similar measure introduced , approved british columbia government in 2008 provincial budget province of quebec introduced carbon-based tax revenues used green technologies. critics other parties liberal mps said concept confusing, expensive , politically risky . environmontal minister john baird stated plan made on bay street , supported big business , polluters . plan received support david suzuki added on ctv s question period that: oppose carbon tax plan, s nonsense. s way got go .

in june 2008, dion unveiled new policy called green shift (le tournant vert) , explained tax shift create ecotax on carbon while reducing personal , corporate income taxes. stated taxation on carbon generate $15 billion per year in revenues offset reduction in income tax revenue.

the plan criticized prime minister harper, described tax grab , compared national energy program federal liberal government adopted in 1980s. on 11 september 2008, ndp leader jack layton criticized green shift, saying hurt consumers, nothing more nuisance energy producers, , evaluates emission equally across sectors instead of maximizing reductions cost lowest. layton further noted dion s proposal not set target reducing emissions.

green shift inc., toronto-based consulting firm, filed $8.5 million lawsuit against liberal party on 9 july 2008, citing trademark infringement. company sought court injunction against liberal party stop using name. dion responded lawsuit deplorable , added liberals not commercial company , did not see legal problems using term green shift .

near end of campaign, dion had interview ctv halifax s anchor steve murphy, dion asked host 3 times restart interview because didn t understand mixed tense , timing of question economy: if prime minister now, have done economy , crisis mr. harper has not done? murphy agreed not air network executives decided release it, generating controversy. on election night, dion angrily refused speak ctv reporters scrumming around him, saying last 1 want speak first [sic] ctv - understand that? .

dion s wife janine krieber drew controversy in 2008 campaign. complained being muzzled liberals, though party officials denied it. reportedly, insiders had concerns outspoken krieber not stick party line , take focus away dion. krieber refused @ last minute introduce dion @ women s event because felt brief speech prepared campaign headquarters undignified.


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