Social and cultural life Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

1 social , cultural life

1.1 migration
1.2 sports
1.3 cultural activities
1.4 scouting , guiding, ncc , nss

social , cultural life

the social milieu of jnvs defined mingling of different sections of society various regions of india since these schools follow affirmative action policy , have policy migration different linguistic regions. teachers, chosen across country, live in same campus , interact students on 24x7 basis leading familial feeling. life of navodiyan enriched extracurricular activities sports, cultural activities , activities of youth organizations.


one of important features of jnv scheme migration programme wherein 2 linked jnvs of different linguistic categories exchange students between them. aim of exchange program promote national integration , enrich social content . according scheme, selected 30% of class ix students exchanged between 2 linked jnvs of different linguistic categories (generally between hindi-speaking , non-hindi-speaking states) 1 year. during migration period 3 languages being taught migrated students remain same in parent jnv, social , cultural exchanges facilitated language learning in class vi ix. migration envisaged students class ix class xii; reduced 2 years (class ix , class x) in 1991-92. in 1996-97 confined class ix students.


jnvs give great emphasis sports. daily schedule allots @ least 2 hours day toward sports , other play activities. each jnv provides facilities handball, football, volleyball, basketball, kho-kho, badminton, kabaddi, hockey, , cricket. campuses provide gymnasium , multi-purpose halls indoor games table tennis , chess. inter-school competitions held yearly @ cluster, regional, national, , sgfi (school games federation of india) level.

cultural activities

cultural activities part of jnv framework. every school provided music room , arts room. inter-school competitions dance, drama, debates, literature, etc. yearly held @ cluster, regional , national level.

scouting , guiding, ncc , nss

navodaya vidyalaya samiti recognised state scouting , guiding activities bharat scouts , guides (bsg). navodaya students regularly participate in programmes of bsg. ncc being introduced jnvs in phased manner. national service scheme (nss) being introduced in phased manner.


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