Rider experience SooperDooperLooper

sooperdooperlooper s inversion

the train leaves station , makes slight right turn before proceeding lift hill. @ top of lift hill, train makes 180 degree left turn small dip, descends long gentle drop, enters vertical loop. makes long, ascending sweeping left turn travels through middle of loop. next, traverses gentle right curve includes short tunnel. ride concludes series of bunny hills , 540-degree right-hand helix. trains on sooperdooperlooper seat 2 riders in each row, each individual rider having own locking lap bar hold them in place. design differs other looping roller coasters because lacks over-the-head restraint. tunnel occurs part-way through ride used contain animatronic spider drop down towards train , scare riders. ride opened 3 trains, need capacity diminished on years, coaster runs two.


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