New elements and compounds Carl Wilhelm Scheele

chlorine gas.

statue of scheele in köping.

scheele made 1 other important scientific discovery in 1774, arguably more revolutionary isolation of oxygen. identified lime, silica, , iron in specimen of pyrolusite (impure manganese dioxide) given him friend, johann gottlieb gahn, not identify additional component (this manganese, scheele recognized present new element, not isolate). when treated pyrolusite hydrochloric acid on warm sand bath, yellow-green gas strong odor produced. found gas sank bottom of open bottle , denser ordinary air. noted gas not soluble in water. turned corks yellow color , removed color wet, blue litmus paper , flowers. called gas bleaching abilities, dephlogisticated muriatic acid (dephlogisticated hydrochloric acid, or oxidized hydrochloric acid). eventually, sir humphry davy named gas chlorine.

chlorine s bleaching properties turned industry berzelius, , became foundation of second industry of disinfection , deodorization of putrefied tissue , wounds (including wounds in living humans) in hands of labarraque, 1824.


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